Fires, Floods, and how it should be handled


(Pipes should be upgraded):

Better Water/ Pipe systems should be implemented and prioritized

Resourcefulness: Greatest tool to solve problems
Resourcefulness: Greatest tool to solve problems

Pipes that would run all throughout the country, which would take responsibility

for the side of the country (u.s.) that has floods- draining the water to prevent flooding,

and sending it to the side of the country that has drought/ fires- to prevent dry soil/seasons and decrease the likelihood of forest fires.

Being able to control and maneuver the water, and lack of it, and evenly distributing it, seems like the best way to handle two problems, with one effective tool. "Two birds, one stone."

Just keeping the soil saturated ALONE, would prevent sparks and help crops to thrive, and limiting water from reaching certain levels on the east coast, would preserve other crops, and save the lives of people who cannot swim or handle violent waters. It may cost us in pipe-making and ground construction, but it'd save us in many areas of business and life- which get stunted or reversed when these "natural" disasters strike.

People may counter this idea with:

tax dollars/ pipe maintenance/ interference with grids.

Whatever the counterargument may be:

this should be invested in.

PVC pipes could work well, and these pipes could run through just the borders of states, or the borders of the country (in case of a pipe malfunction).

Either way, it's clear to see: one side (west) faces extreme dehydration, and the other (east) is overwhelmed with water levels, in inconvenient ways.

And Something could be done about it. Seems like a sound plan or reasonable option, at the very least.

*We know that 'Innovation' solves problems, but we must not forget that 'Resourcefulness' does so, too.*

*Feel free to disagree, or share other ideas to combat these flooding/flaming scenarios.*

Thanks for reading :)


Fires, Floods, and how it should be handled
1 Opinion