I am a beautiful, strong, and proud transgender woman and this is why I don't believe in pronouns and think it's ok for you to call me a man

I consider myself to be a woman. I've always felt like a woman, people see me as a woman, I dress like a woman, act like a woman, I love like a woman and everything about being a woman makes me super happy! It's my biggest life dream to be a happy mother and wife!

But lots of people tell me I'm a man! And that's ok too. When you call me a man you're basing your definition of man/woman on biological reality. And that's totally correct! Sadly I'll always be trapped inside of a boys body until I go to heaven. The difference is that my definition of man/woman is based on perceptual reality which I view as equally correct but more practical.

There's 2 genders, man and woman. And then you have transgenders like me who went from one to the other. I was born a boy and transitioned at 14 and I've been living as my true self ever since. If you ask biological reality I'm a 28 year old man. But ask perceptual reality what I am. Due to my feminized male body and appearance, behavior, fashion, etc. people perceive me as a woman. I am referred to and treated as a woman in public and at work. I am not perceived as a 28 year old man.

Why am I not perceived as a 28 year old man despite that being biological reality? Because left to my own devices following the path that makes me happy and comfortable has led to me being the person that I am today. Until I was 14 I pretended that I was ok and happy with being a boy and everything felt like an act like I was living a constant lie. After I decided to do what feels right and makes me happy at 14 I just kept becoming more and more girly!

I have the biology of a man but the psychology of a woman. I haven't been able to change my psychology and I don't want to I just want to be me! So I did what was possible, I altered biological reality so that I could appear as a woman despite being a man and change my perceptual reality to being a woman!!!

I don't believe we should correct people because if you call me a he, that's what you see me as. That's both my biological and perceptual reality. The burden is not on you to pretend that you see a woman. The burden is on me to make you see a woman. When I get called he, I take it as constructive criticism not an insult. I will work harder until you perceive me as a woman.

I am a beautiful, strong, and proud transgender woman and this is why I dont believe in pronouns and think its ok for you to call me a man
I may be a 28 year old man by your definition but is that truly what you perceive me as? I perceive a beautiful woman in this pic
I am a beautiful, strong, and proud transgender woman and this is why I don't believe in pronouns and think it's ok for you to call me a man
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