How do you get over your fears?


What do you fear, and what holds you back?

Many people for instance say stuff like "I don't like going out alone!" or "I'm scared of going abroad alone!" And even big adults say this, not just teens.

When I was an early teen, I was a pussy about things like this, but now I laugh at myself compared to what I am now.

When I was 25, about 3 years ago, I went to a park with some friends/family and I fell in the lake and wet my jeans. I didn't take a change, so I had to spend the day in wet jeans. This included going on trains and in restaurants and stuff. Some people looked, even laughed, but I don't give a fuck if they did, i didn't know them. It's that it's about not giving two shits what others think or say or do, and doing your own thing.

So if you're out alone, who gives a fuck if they judge you? Who gives a fuck if they laugh at you? It's a free world...if they judge you, then you are able to and AS FREE not to give a shit and do your own thing.

I think people should do a thing everyday that frightens them, or makes them not uncomfortable. This can be:

Walk alone at night in a big city (in good and bad areas)

I've done this before, and got robbed once, but then I just know which areas to go where not principle, it's not something I do or would ever oppose...

How do you get over your fears?

Wear inappropriate clothing somewhere

How do you get over your fears?

Say something out of place somewhere

Be aggressive and irk others

How do you get over your fears?

These all require balls, and it's only with practice that we hone anything.

And if you fail, don't wallow in it, bounce back. Be determined, don't be a pussy.

So don't be scared of stuff, live out for the day and carpe diem.

How do you get over your fears?
49 Opinion