Guys that are attracted to slightly older women, why and can those relationships work?

So I guess we all know women prefer younger women and men prefer older men.
Not only is it more socially acceptable but it's been explained many times, younger women are more fertile and thus more attractive while older men are more mature, stable and thus more likely to want to commit.
At least this explains the slight age gap that some couples have.
However lately I have encountered men who do not hesitate to date older women, someone I know even made it an habit of dating women slightly older than him. His last gf was 4 years older, which to me isn't that much although when you're a 19 years old guy, there can be quite a big gap in maturity with someone who is 23 and now that he's 23 he's dating a 31 years old woman, so someone who is 8 years older.

And I feel like I am missing something here. I know sometimes we just happen to be attarcted to someone regardless of his/her age but how do you explain that a guy would somehow prefer dating women that are older than him?
Is it experience?
Is it because it makes him feel more like a man i na real relationship and not like a kid?

Personally, I think a 3/4 years gap isn't a lot whether you're a guy or girl being the older one. But I do feel that an age gap of over 7 years old is quite a lot, especially if you're at different places in life.

I'm 25 years old and although I could date a guy that is 22/21 I do think that younger than this would be a bit too young for my liking.

So what do you think?
Guys what would make you or not date a woman that is older than you? What would be your limit?
And girls would you consider dating a younger guy? what would be too young?
Guys that are attracted to slightly older women, why and can those relationships work?
5 Opinion