Has the # metoo movement hurt women? If so, how?

Yeah because men can’t trust them now, ESPECIALLY when they make their cases political. “We hate one person/party so much that we’ll just make up fake stories to see them expelled from government!”
NO... allow the government to function fairly strictly down to policy that the people want. If you’re losing, form better arguments on your stance or simply improve your stance. These childish games trying to ruin people’s reputations NEED TO GO!
Now if a man simply makes a woman angry, she can just make up a fake story, and we #alwaysbelievethewoman no matter what right? Nope, nuh-huh, not gonna happen! These identity based politics are insulting, and only drive a wedge further between men and women.
If you can’t see that, you need to do some research. I know it feels good to want to always think women are right 100% of the time, but the SIMPLE FACT is that they are not. Sorry, but people need to start owning up to their mistakes, owning the fact that not everyone is going to be happy all the time, not everyone is going to agree, and move on! Be good to people. Don’t look to divide, look to be better in everything YOU do. Stop pointing fingers.
I’m not saying that women aren’t ever victims of such things as sexual assault, obviously it happens. But keep yourself out of threatening situations, say no when you mean no, and when or if you do give in, you consented, so if you regret it later, YOU made a mistake, not the other person who thought you were cool with it.
If women would just act like women and lady like and be more conservative, you could avoid a lot of these issues entirely, have some foresight and be responsible. Don’t just give in to your raw human impulses. Own your mistakes. Be better. Don’t point the finger!
I’m just so sick of all these people forwarding all these liberal feel good agendas that are completely void of common sense. Use your heads people, it’s causing division amongst us all.
Yes. Men are unwilling to mentor women now because a woman only has to make an accusation to destroy his life, this means that women are not going to be moving up as much in businesses and companies. Men are also less willing to perform CPR and things like that on women for fear of being accused of sexual assault thanks to the #metoo movement. Finally men are a lot more cautious around women in general which is going to make dating harder for women then before. All of this has been proven to be the case: fortune.com/2018/02/06/lean-in-sheryl-sandberg/
But women did it to themselves, women decided they could capitalize on the fact that they would never be called out never be punished for lying and destroying mens lives, that they would never have to worry about their stories completely falling apart under analysis because they knew no one would ever bother. They treated men as if all men are evil as if all attempts at interactions with them where sexual in nature and now this is what they get for it. It sucks for men and women but its what women wanted so now they have it.
It has not hurt them half as much as it has helped them to finally be taken seriously by the male gentry.
What was once considered as normal, meaning to abuse women financially, sexually and intellectually is now frowned upon, not because men suddenly understand women but because they are forced to accept equality up to a certain extend. Full equality will most likely never exist. Women will still be seen and treated as sexual objects that are solely good to get rid of excessive testosterone levels.
Nobody wants to give up privileges if not forced by law. It took millions of years for women to reach that status that give them an appearance of equality. Much is still left to do and it will take generations to come close to equality.
Oh, did we not have rape laws before or. .. ? Fun fact women rape men at comparable rates but instead of talking about that men are told they should be thankful for it. In fact when men started pointing out that they too have been sexually harassed and raped (mostly by women) they where pushed out of the "movement" and told that it was only for women. In fact one feminist college professor who supported the metoo movement found herself caught up in it when it came out that she had sexually assaulted some of her male students, "thankfully" every one supported her and the school sided with her instead of the victim. Same thing happened with Asia argento who talked about how evil and sleazy men where and how they constantly tried to rape and assault her. . . until it came out that she raped an underage boy and then paid large sums of money to cover it up (luckily no one in the metoo movement did anything about it because the aggressor was a woman and that doesn't count). Not to mention that upwards of 40% of all accusations of sexual assault and rape are PROVABLY false, yet are accepted as fact by the public regardless of evidence. So yeah, its not been a benefit to anyone and has actually made it so men trust women even less then they did before because when men do wrong they are punished but when a woman does wrong she is rewarded and men simply don't trust women anymore.
@hellionthesagereborn Thanks for pointing out that fact.
I do hope that due to the fact that men trust women even less now we will finally be left in peace and not constantly be catcalled, hit on, picked up, sexualized and objectified. Deal?
Oh I agree, I think men should pretend like women don't exist because women will not last one week. They will freak out and start behaving in ever more disfunctional ways to get men's attention, for men to validate them. I think it would be hilarious. Sadly that is not the case and men will continue to persue women (because women refuse to step up and take risks and do it themselves (then bitch and whine that guys are creeps when a guy they don't like goes and gets the nerve to ask her out (what a piece of shit for thinking your attractive and might have value (A mistake no mane should ever make right?)). I would love nothing more then women to be treated EXACTLY as women treat men, because again, you wouldn't last a single week (so many women would be fired from their jobs for sexual harassment, so many women put in jail for sexual assault and rape, it would be great). Personally I've never catcalled a girl in my life, never sexually harassed (and lets be honest, most men don't women just take every single action as if it was sexual, he says hi to you? Sexual asault. He bumps into you on accident? That's rape. etc. etc.) and the overwhelming majority (we are talking 96% of men) will never commit rape. so you already have what your demanding. But yes now women are going to suffer for their rampant hatred of men because men are going to not want to be around them (suprising I know), so yes your going to get what you asked for.
@hellionthesagereborn Do I detect the attitude of an incel here?
Nope. What you detect is the frustration of watching hypocrisy going unchecked and of the pandering to a gender that is now making them think they are perpetual victims. Its infuriating as all evidence shows its not the case and also because its really damaging to society, men, and good women (who are getting rarer by the day it seems). I don't like injustice and I don't like hypocrisy, that's what your detecting (nice trying to attack me instead of the argument though.).
@hellionthesagereborn So what would you call the fact that women were abused, misused, humiliated, demeaned, dishonored and deprived of their most basic rights since homo erectus. That would make about 2 million years of slavery.
We were solely considered sexual objects and guys never even asked women whether they wanted to be their sex slaves for so many years.
Times have changed and it is about time that we misuse you for next 2 million years and see how you like it. How about that for a change?
I would say that you clearly have done no research (first and foremost, homo erectus? Really? That's more then two million years ago first off and second, those are not even human, and third how the hell would any one know what happened then), as we know that all of those claims are patently false and provably so. I mean common sense alone shows that's false based upon how women are treated i. e. better then men ever have been treated, and two because of the fact that every single law shows it, and three because we know that for instance, women's suffrage was opposed by WOMEN. The issue isn't women where enslaved (that's the most moronic thing I've ever heard. Really? Men fought and died to protect women and did so because they where property? 1347 men died vs. 103 women on the titanic because of the women and children first policy and they did this because they hated women and viewed them as slaves? What kind of moronic bullshit is that? You have to be a whole other kind of sexist to think that men are just so pure evil, purely malicious, to believe that they would enslave their mothers, sisters, daughters and wives even while seeing how they fucking sacrifice themselves regularly for women. I'm sure your father was an absolute piece of shit human being, just as I'm sure your boyfriend/husband is, just as your son (if you have one (maybe you hate men so much you'll take to aborting male offspring as some feminists have)) will more then likely be an evil piece of shit. Or maybe, your just really sick in the head, never bothered to study history in the slightest, never got your head out of you own ass to see men sacrificing regularly for women every where. Women opposed their right to vote because men (who in the US only got the right 67 years before women did) got it through conscription i. e. legal enslavement of the male population for combat purposes.
That is the only reason why men go the right to vote and women where terrified of having the same loss of rights and same responsibility as men had. Women didn't control the money when married because they wanted men to be the ones responsible for their economic well being which necessitated them having control over the income generated (and is also why men would be imprisoned for their wives debts in many places). Same goes for property and everything else. Women on the other hand could choose not to marry and do as they wish. So no, women where never treated as slaves but men are treated like monsters as you have kindly illustrated. Its quite disgusting and I hope you never enter into a relationship with a man nor have a male child because no one deserves to suffer through that much hatred and animosity for simply being born the "wrong" gender.
I pity you, I really do. You have to be a special kind of broken to be so twisted and hateful on the inside to hate and despise half the human population, to see them as monsters even as they endlessly sacrifice for you. What the hell did your father do to you to deserve that hatred?
@hellionthesagereborn We will leave it to that. Clearly, you have some serious issues in your life.
Perhaps you should settle those first. Some psychiatric sessions would really help you here.
As your name suggests it so nicely, it seems that you are indeed a rowdy, mischievous, and troublemaking person.
Says the woman who accused all men of being so devoid of morals and empathy, to accuse men of being so monsterous that they would abuse their wives, their mothers and their own daughters for absolutely no reason other then they happen to be male. I don't think I'm the one who needs help, I'm not the one saying half the population and most of the people in my life don't deserve to be viewed as human. Sadly your not going to reflect on this and consider that maybe seeing men as worthless and/or evil is some what deranged and seek the help you need.
@hellionthesagereborn I must thank you for indirectly giving me this MHO.
Thanks to your contribution and the fact that reason prevails over established demeaning and imposed sexual practices by a large number of men.
The movement is here to stay until the selfish male domination has totally been abolished.
Wow, your really broken inside. I was a bit irritated by you before, now I just pity you. But if you want to hate and destroy lives that's your choice to make and so the consequences of that will be yours as well.
Unfortunately it has. It undermined the credibility of female victims, and took focus away from real crimes on women by equalling some woman getting her ass pinched 20 years ago with real rape, genital mutilation and other real offenses.
I'd say it's further polarized men and women.
There is no question it has hurt women. The facts prove that. There have been a lot of studies that show:
1) People, both men and women, are less likely now than before MeToo to believe a woman when she accuses a man of rape.
2) As a result of 1), women are actually LESS likely now than before MeToo to feel comfortable coming forward when they have been sexually assaulted or harassed.
3) Managers are more likely now than before MeToo to be hesitant to hire female candidates.
4) Men are more likely to avoid associating with women in the workplace (the so-called "Pence rule"), which isolates women and hinders their professional development.
5) Men and women are more desensitized to the issues of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment now than before MeToo.
All the studies that support what I've said here are easily available to anyone who wants to to the research online. Google is your friend.
As with pretty much everything modern feminism does, MeToo has done far more harm than good to both men AND women.
The longer term effects have harmed women (and men) more than helped them.
https://leanin. org/sexual-harassment-backlash-survey-results (<-- remove the spaces before and after the dot)
"Now more than ever, we need men to actively support women at work. Instead, they’re pulling back."
"60% of managers who are men are uncomfortable participating in a common work activity with a woman, such as mentoring, working alone, or socializing together.1 That’s a 32% jump from a year ago."
"Senior-level men are now far more hesitant to spend time with junior women than junior men across a range of basic work activities.3 They are:
12x more likely to hesitate to have 1-on-1 meetings
9x more likely to hesitate to travel together for work
6x more likely to hesitate to have work dinners"
"As for why this is happening, 36% of men say they’ve avoided mentoring or socializing with a woman because they were nervous about how it would look."
So why is this happening? Because men are afraid of being accused of something they didn't do or intend, and rightly so. And equally important, society in general and feminism in particular are unwilling to even acknowledge the elephant in the room, let alone try to do anything about it. That elephant, of course, is the issue of false accusations. The rate of false accusations is MUCH higher than generally acknowledged by feminists, and that must change before we can have an honest conversation about any of the above, and before men will once again be comfortable associating with women.
Women have harmed themselves, and men, with the MeToo movement, and now they need to fix it. It is up to women, not men to do so. And the answer, of course, is honesty. Without some honesty from feminism, we will never fix any of this.
They are now learning object lesson on the law of unintended consequences but it is not the feminists who are suffering the blow-back the most.
Men who have to work with women are letting it be know to all of those that they have to work with why they are responding to #METOO the way they are, saying no individual meetings, no dinners, no after work drinks, no mentoring etc.
This response is just common sense & self defence on the men's part - You see a hazard to you and your career - You avoid it.
Well done feminists you created an atmosphere where women will now be getting LESS mentoring & support than they did BEFORE #METOO.
Since it has become a giant bandwagon, I believe it has caused real victims to be taken less seriously. When we start considering it sexual assault when a woman is made to feel uncomfortable, it makes people stop listening.
I appreciate what it’s done for victims of sexual abuse, but for some people who don’t want to tell anybody (myself included) it has hurt a bit. Sucks to be reminded over and over again on social media of sexual abuse and getting flashbacks. And seeing people who are much more brave than you, not ashamed to tell people about it.
Thank you for your sweet comment. It means a lot
Oh no I have a fiancé. But it took about a year for me to get physically comfortable with him. And I still haven’t told him about it
I agree with the point about some women not being real victims. It gives women a benefit of doubt. In Ched Evans case, the girl filed a case just because she regretted having a one night stand. However, that case set precedent because in that case, a female judge allowed the lawyers to look at her sexual history. Thanks to that case, now a woman's sexual history will be considered because when they looked at her ex-partners, they told the court that the girl had the habit of crying in the morning because in the morning, she regretted it.
You are right because a woman's sexual history was something that in years past lawyers couldn't ask about because it might be influence the jury in a rape trial. Prior to that lawyers could break down the victim on the stand and either the woman would give up or her past might do her in like if she had lots of partners or had been a sex worker.
Wow, this is actually insane. I think a lot of women use it as an excuse to get out of their mistakes.
@Darkistoolight__ yes and once a woman lied because she didn't want her partner to know she cheated
That's awful. This isn't a cheating story but years ago I worked in an outlet fragrance and cosmetics shop. We used to write a person's name and driver's license information on the receipts the first time they made a credit card buy. After that we never asked again. One time my assistant manager got a call about a possible fraudulent charge on a credit card. My assistant checked the paperwork and then it was clear that the wife had lied to her husband about a charge. This wasn't something uncommon. One customer told me as she left the store that she was hiding her purchase in the closet so her husband wouldn't know. I thought what kind of marriage is that.
The problem with some women lying is that it makes it hard on the women who are not lying and on the men whose lives are ruined in the process. It is very easy to sway people to believe a person is guilty but it is very hard to get people to forget even when it is proven that a person is innocent.
So your not allowed to look at the persons character and habits when judging them? Then what do you have to go on except some ones words? Are we allowed to look at a mans past just not a woman's?
@hellionthesagereborn It goes back to when women who were clearly raped would be terrorized on the stand. I'm talking back before the 1990s. Many women would drop rape charges so they wouldn't get dragged through the dirt or have further emotional trauma.
@sejla What evidence do you have of that? Rape has always been taboo. I don't know of a single time in our history that it was viewed positively or that it was acceptable. I'm sorry but saying something is true and being able to prove it are two very different things and rape has always been illegal in the US and no, as far as I know at no point where women "harassed" for being raped. In fact they where not even punished for cheating or having sex out of wedlock as thanks to seduction laws, a woman could simply claim the man said he would marry her and he would be imprisoned for a minimum of two years and if she had cheated on her husband the husband could sue her lover for lost wages (since he was legally obligated to care for his wife and during the time of the affair he was taking care of her while she was being unfaithful), meaning that even then the man was punished not the woman. I'm sorry but reality is completely different then what your claiming. Rape has been shunned just as harming a woman has always been shunned (again, based upon the laws, taboos, and norms of society).
I think a lot of people forget that the Me Too movement is not just for women. It is for men as well. A lot of male celebrities also came out talking about the sexual abuse they suffered. Terry Crews came out and said he experienced sexual abuse. I
Yeah but almost immediately women started screaming at men that they couldn't be a part of it and in one case a female professor was protected by the school when it came out that she sexually assaulted her male students. Terry Crews was allowed to speak out but it was because it was done by a man not a woman.
It certainly has isolated women at work. Most men I know try to avoid them completely and they have less mentoring opportunities than before because men do not want to be alone with them. If a group travels, we now split them, separate hotels and cars. I never have a meeting without at least a third person. I turned down training one and I told them I will quit before I have to spend alone hours with one. I also will not fill in or take up the slack for any that have to always take time off, f-that. And, I now don’t give any rape or sh stories any credibility anymore. They have become liar bsht stories as far as I am concerned.
Supposedly men are less keen to mentor women now, and both men and women are less likely to hire them, but this is according to poll data, and I doubt women would actually be affected.
Personally, I've always felt like showing interest in women would be unwanted, and metoo has exacerbated this. Sure, the movement started off fine, some nasty men exposed, but it devolved into women desperate to become a part of it, sharing stories of how guys hit on them and such. I even saw one women ask if being treated poorly by another woman in HR was grounds for her joining metoo.
Its hurt men and women. it's hurt men because women can simply "feel" violated and even if that was her fault for feeling violated when there was nothing going on, she then feels like she can convict him of rape even though he is innocent! and this negitivly impacts women as well because now men don't want to be near women in fear of them convicting them of rape for doing. nothing at all because she could "feel" violated and then thinks she can convict him of rape and ruin his life. Of corse a lot of women would be disgusted when hearing other women would do that, but most men just aren't willing to take the risk. So yes, the #MeToo movement has fucked up all of us... except the feminists who like ruining innocent mens lives and getting them to lose their trust in women.
The downside to #MeToo is the fear of false allegations affecting men wanting to mentor women.
For me, a false allegation WILL derail the career he has worked so hard to build. Men all know that a broke man isn’t worth jack shit in society, so we will protect our income at all costs.
If that means only having close 1-on-1 mentorship relationships with male employees, then so be it.
Taking on a female 1-on-1 mentor would be WAY too risky.
Thus, women will have a glass ceiling in the workforce due to #MeToo. This could have been prevented if women were more diligent and open about defending men who are falsely accused of sexual crimes.
Sooner or later it will do more harm than good. Sooner or later there will be false accusations and someone's life will change for the worst. Yes there possative things going on with the me too movement but there's some very questionable things going on too.
As with any movement it comes with both good and bad intentions. The problem with any movement once you let the genie out of the bottle you can't put the genie back in.
So for those who are thinking of using the metoo movement you need to think do you want to be in the media spot light or are you better off finding another way? And for those doing dumb stuff think do you want the metoo movement to catch you and have unwanted game or attention? There are people who have done things 10 and 20 ,30 40 years ago and it was socially acceptable but is catching up to them now. So be careful what you do now it will catch up later. I see the metoo movement as karma on steroids
It seems to have reduced women's credibility, and made men more cautious about how they deal with women.
Half the people who are coming forward now aren't even real victims and because of them they make it very hard for real victims to believed
Its made dating harder for them since men are scared of being falsely accused.
Women will be on average less likely to be approached until the imbalance is corrected and the guy can not get sue'd for trying to flirt.
Absolutely not. Now more men will think twice before doing things they should have been thinking twice about before doing in the first place. If they did #MeToo wouldn't exist and I have to kinda say that men brought this onto themselves. We had a whole generation of men who were too comfortable treating women like their feelings aren't valid.
I really don't see how.
Same here!
Less apt to hire women.
Women's charges are looked at as ridiculous.
For example the non-legit stuff like...20 years ago this well known person touched my butt.
Ok,... and?
Why are you making this public now?
Do you expect us to just fire him?
There is 100% no way to prove or disprove this.
This stupid type of crap.
40 years ago someone said something that made me uncomfortable.
Ok... thanks for sharing that.
It's taken away a lot of trust. Like you can't trust any woman now who isn't your wife or related to otherwise you risk your life being destroyed.
Well, it is certainly made me a lot less likely to believe them. I've also noticed it has caused hiring issues. men are less likely to approach women, as per studies reveal.
But let's look at how it benefited women... Oh, there are no real positives or improvements that came with it? Oh well.
I'd say yes, and before you cast your stones at me realize your using #metoo just for women that stuff happens to men as well. On the same note as long as it's the truth it should be brought up and be supported but a false accusations can destroy the lives of many people so it's a very delicate situation.
I will leave this here...
There are always upsides and downsides to everything usually. But I think more positive has probably come out of it than negative. I mean not feeling like you have no voice is awful, so changing that can only be a good thing, men being more reserved is hardly a complaint in that context is it.
No. It has helped beyond words. We know we're not alone and we now have the strength and support to come forward when someone abuses their power.
Except in almost every single instance their was no evidence presented, evidence showed that the woman was lying or it was done anonymously. Meanwhile our laws on sexual abuse and rape are harsh on the accused and easy on victims (so much so that they found that upwards of 40% of all accusations are false, despite which men are still imprisoned for false allegations all the time and when a woman does admit she lied she suffers almost no punishment for it). That is not true in the slightest, women are always believed no matter how Ludacris the story is (As the Kavanaugh incident and the Neil Degrass Tyson accusation, and the matress girl and the Rolling stones magazine incident all show).
It hasn't. It has empowered women to speak up about times they have been mistreated or abused. It is good for all of us.
No, if anything it’s made women more self empowered rather than feeling angry and annihilated
From what I've heard men are refusing to mentor women, be alone in a room with them, leaving the doors open in officess and so on..
This isn't bcs of metoo itself but bcs some women have used it for selfish gain by leveling false accusations against men.
It's hurt everyone. It's just increased the negativity both genders have for each other so now even less men are willing to approach women.
It’s become a voice for women. I don’t think it’s impacted us negatively at all.
If anything it exposes the rapists/ sexual assaulters who got away.
I think the original idea was very helpful. It's been exposing rapists and giving the victims a voice. It's all about control with rape, but this movement has given some of those women their control back.
Now on the flip side, I think in a few cases people have made it into a fad. I think some people have come out and falsely accused to be a part of it. Anyone who does that deserves jail time.
It’s sad that women feeling empowered to talk about things that make them
I comfortable has to be referred to as a movement. That effected me more than the movement itself. That’s some crazy shit.
Since most of the whining was over bullshit like "unwanted advancements" which included simply asking a girl out.
Taking females seriously is hard to do now.
If a female claims some horrific thing, I am instantly skeptical (and often right) about their motives.
I think so becuase most of those metro allegation was proven to be lies or not enough evidence. And now it's kinda hard to believe them. Becuase woman know that most people will see them as victims. It makes you look them as liars unless they close in your circle chance are I dont care what happens to any random female
I believe it has opened a lot to talk about. Women I believe should have rights but at the same point in time with those rights comes the extra things along with it.
Like most other Leftist movements, it has touted out and out lies against some men, while excusing very real abuse of women by other men.
It's hurt everything. Its gone too far.
It's got justice for some who genuinely deserved justice, but it's hurt many others because of the movement's tendency to overreach in its accusations.
I think it has. Not all of them, but the false accusations that are coming out against men, and womenas well, just make it more difficult for actual victims to be heard/ taken seriously.
Those that has misused it creates more negative effects then people realize no matter if it's sexsistic to shame attack those that has been through harassment just because of their gender or for that matter made up stories or tempered stories.
Yes, in my opinion, it has given a false sense of importance to many women while reducing the "relative importance" of actual victims. It hurt real victims because of all the attention whores that hijacked the movements.
I'm actually happy false rape accusations are starting to get the accuser a felony charge
I’m sure it has for some. There are positives and negatives to everything.
No I think it’s good hopefully guys become less desperate and stop talking to women and approaching women and just get sex dolls. Guys need to quit putting women on pedestals hopefully this has made guys less desperate
It's a powerful movement, and logically many people will try to abuse that power, which is why the movement turned bad really quickly as it's so accessible to everyone, it was meant to be good.
Nope. It’s finally told the dirty truth we’ve been hiding for centuries. We’re a patriarchal society. We can still take a critical and logical approach to Me too claims, ie, Aziz Ansari.
Hurt lower class and lower middle class women. Helped upper middle class and upper class women. Most mainstream "progressive" things do exactly that.
I think there have been enough fake cases of metoo where it has eroded there credibility of accusers and the concept of believing guilt before anything proven makes it a farce.
Yup no man wants to deal with woman in a professional setting now because all she has to do is lie and his life is ruined so women have a harder time receiving promotions and working in general
Nope. It’s helped a lot.
I think it has helped them by probably making perverts more reluctant to sexually harass people.
A lot of men are afraid of being let alone with a women so women are losing higher job opportunities, because bosses don't feel comfortable to taking female apprentices
In a lot of ways, it has hurt women and men. It made it easier for people to lie about harrassment/assault. This made legitimate claims less believable. It also ruined some innocent people's lives.
It hurts women in a sense that less men approach them resulting in less mating opportunities.
Yes and no. I'm glad assaulters got their comupance, but sad that good guys are even more actually to approach women.
Definitely not actually every one has their right against bad things happened to them and Mee provide this platform
I would never hire a woman. If a cute girl applied to work for me id say no way denied and then ask her on a date.
It makesit harder to trust the legit cases of harassment and assault because a handful of women who are overreacting or straight up crying wolf.
Yes, according to the latest survey female hiring managers are more likely than male hiring managers to not hire an attractive women.
Once again, women stabbing other women in the back.
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