Should Greta Thunberg ditch climate change to try to stop Man Bear Pig?

Hi I have sailed thousands of kilometres on my Rothschild funded boat which I took from taxpayers money to tell you what I'm now telling you now. Our greatest enemy that we have to think of for our children is none other than Man Bear Pig! We need to tell Greta Thunberg how dangerous he is and if we don't stop him we're all going to die! So should she Greta ditch climate change to try stop Man Bear Pig?
Man Bear Pig
Man Bear Pig
She may be mentally unstable but she has had her childhood stolen from her! The only way to fix it is for her to take on Man Bear Pig. Now this may seem hard but with enough funding from George Soros and all the other global banking elites she could pretty much do it and take out Man Bear Pig!
Anybody like memes?
Nazi Greta Thunberg
Nazi Greta Thunberg
Who cares if she looks like a NAZI propagandist! I know she can get rid of Man Bear Pig!
+1 y
Hey forget climate change and Man Bear Pig as remember how climate change activist Greta Thunberg sailed to America because she didn't want to fly and add to the carbon emissions with airplane travel?

Now, of course what got left out of the many stories was that some of the people who sailed her over to America, flew back to Sweeden and other people (rothschilds) had to fly from Europe to pick the boat up and sail it back to Europe. I wonder how much carbon emissions that used?
+1 y
Now she's literally stuck and needs to find a way to cross the Atlantic. Could anyone help her out and give her a ride? Perhaps she could fly a Tesla or a solar plane over the Atlantic? She really didn't think of this part of her political tour
Should Greta Thunberg ditch climate change to try to stop Man Bear Pig?
6 Opinion