Why is it just a "joke" when homosexuals shame people for being straight, but "homophobic" when straight people do the same?

• In my opinion, the word "homophobic" nowadays is being thrown around like it's nothing, if you don't support the lgbtq movement that basically means you hate them, 'talking from experience' .

• I've been seeing lots of tik tok viral videos of homosexuals shaming heterosexual people for no reason, as if it didn't take heterosexual individuals to bring them into the world...

ImaGinE bEiNg sTrAiGhT iN 2020

Now if it was
Imagine being homosexual in 2020 all hell would break lose.

My point is you shouldn't discriminate anybody because of their sexuality.

So to the lgbtq community, before you throw the homophobia card make sure you're not as hateful as your oppressors x
Why is it just a joke when homosexuals shame people for being straight, but homophobic when straight people do the same?
Why is it just a "joke" when homosexuals shame people for being straight, but "homophobic" when straight people do the same?
25 Opinion