What do you think of all of the pretentious white SJW types "white knighting for the 'poor inferior blacks'"?

What do you think of all of the pretentious white SJW types white knighting for the poor inferior blacks?
You know, they're full fledged human beings that don't need these SJWs to swoop in to save them. Black people can stand up for themselves.
What do you think of all of the pretentious white SJW types white knighting for the poor inferior blacks?
But these pretentious pricks insist on obnoxiously virtue signaling all over the place.
What do you think of all of the pretentious white SJW types white knighting for the poor inferior blacks?
Because, you know obviously thinking that the plight of an oppressed group is a cause worth fighting for automatically implies that you think they can't stand up for themselves:
United States Colored Troops in action
United States Colored Troops in action
OK, all the time when I try to bring up issues disproportionately impacting minority communities in the US, there are always a bunch of reactionary dipshits accusing me of the "soft bigotry of low expectations" and that I'm the "real racist" for thinking "black people need me to stand up for them instead of standing up for themselves". I'm sorry, injustice is injustice and the more people who stand against it (no matter what race they are) the sooner it tends to end. Also, I thought the anti-SJWs were supposed to be the ones against *ahem "identity politics".
What do you think of all of the pretentious white SJW types white knighting for the poor inferior blacks?
But because all of these anti-SJW types incessantly complain about how BLM only cares about black lives, I'll toss you a bone:
John Brown
John Brown
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Michael Schwerner
Michael Schwerner
John Lennon
John Lennon
Heather Heyer
Heather Heyer
What do you think of all of the pretentious white SJW types "white knighting for the 'poor inferior blacks'"?
8 Opinion