Do you believe black people experience less pain than white people?

During a debate I had today someone told me that blacks are treated unfairly as patients. She stated according to recent studies (I’ll post links below) that 50% of medical students in a survey believed that blacks feel less pain than whites.

What I really want to know is: does anyone really believe these studies are truthful and legitimate? It is so completely absurd and foolish that it’s hard to believe anyone would believe this study is anything more than propaganda.

First of all, unintelligent people don’t get admitted to medical school. You’d have to be stupid to believe such a thing was true to start with. Second of all if this is true those students need to get a refund for their education because apparently they were taught very complex and difficult course material but their universities failed to cover basic neurology. Yes, people do have different degrees of pain tolerance but to stretch that concept to an entire race?

So I gotta know. Do you seriously believe medical students (no one gets into med school with Bs and Cs) who went through high school, general education in college, pre med and some med school actually believe blacks have greater pain tolerance than whites due to racial bias? As far as I’m concerned this is the most outlandish propaganda I’ve seen in a long time. Feel free to examine the attached articles and be careful not to step in the BS while you read.
I believe it
I don’t believe it
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I didn’t freeze your account. Someone probably reported what you said. I don’t have the ability to do anything but type responses in here. Also I would not report you or freeze your account even if I could. I want to keep you taking. People who believe as you only make my point for me. You spouting off your racism only serves to show the world what’s really going on with all this.

Do you believe black people experience less pain than white people?
Post Opinion