Why aren’t public health officials more recommending spending time outdoors and /or supplementing with vitamin D upcoming winter for COVID?

Within private spheres of biologists, immunologists, doctors, etc.

There’s an agreement that the information that public health officials tell us is not quite right.

Many things seemed to be ignored for some reason

Lots of propaganda and mistakes where there doesn’t need to be any

•Spend time outdoors
•Supplement with vitamin D
•Loose weight and workout

Experts are saying this but public health officials aren't?
+1 y
This is rather low hanging fruit that WORKS very well in stopping the virus and spread of it.

Why close down beaches?


These are outdoor venues where people can still socialize and have the least chance of spreading or acquiring the virus.

The spread of the virus has to do with being INDOORS.

Saturation of the air with a lot of people will make masks nearly ineffective.

No one really tells you that though.

So much propaganda and misinformation out there
+1 y
Reasonable liberals & conservatives are calling it out.
Why aren’t public health officials more recommending spending time outdoors and /or supplementing with vitamin D upcoming winter for COVID?
Post Opinion