Can a grown male go to an elementary school playground alone and be near children?

So this was a situation that happened today. My friend and I met at an elementary school with her two elementary-school-aged daughters. The girls were playing and we were walking. There's a very small loop around the play structure and we were never more than like 30 yards from them.

Well after a while we saw a man ride up on a bike, park it near the playground and then walk toward the girls. We stopped walking and instead walked closer to the girls.

This guy was easily over 25. Probably somewhere between 25 and 35. It was just weird. He started standing under some monkey bars and put his hands on them like he was going to do the monkey bars but his head was taller than them so...

Also the playground had like 5 separate play structures and it was completely empty besides us and he opted to go to the structure that had an 8 and 6 year old?

The whole thing was hinky. I'm not saying a grown man CAN'T come alone to a children's playground... but he was acting very strange.

Odds are nothing was going to happen. The majority of men aren't baby-snatchers, and you have to be a special kind of stupid to try to grab a kid with two grown women present and a bike is not a good getaway vehicle lol but this guy was acting super strange.

My husband is in the Poll option C camp on this one. What do y'all think?
Yes, not weird
Yes, but it's not a great look
No, absolutely not
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Can a grown male go to an elementary school playground alone and be near children?
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