Someone please explain to me how blm and antifa are “terrorists” but the people that rioted at the capital aren’t?

Makes no sense to me, people are becoming so brainwashed now thar being anti nazi and anti racism is now consider a radical political ideology rather than common sense and rational thinking?

But the actual nazis are the people on the left, right?

The actual nazis are the people fighting against the nazis apparently. These anti fascists are actually anti fascist

Yet all the extremist groups that showed up at the capital riot where right wingers: to be specific Proud Boys, militiamen, white supremacists, anti-maskers and diehard Trump supporters?

(And to disprove any of the conspiracy theorists that believe blm actually stormed the capital: there have already been several videos and livestreams that have came up of trump supporters and members of hate groups planing the capital and storming it

Find more info here:

Some of the far right extremists that showed up went with the intention of assassinating government officials. Police found pipe bombs, others carrying semi automatic weapons, others had Molotov cocktails.

This is the reality of how dangerous fascists are, this is the reality of who the true fascists are.

Yet the media continually portrays social justice advocates like blm and antifa as the “real fascists” “the terrorists”

Let’s look at it realistically, these right wingers assaulted a capital officer by the name of Brian D. Sicknick. Two men sprayed chemicals into his eyes during the siege.

Hardly Dunn, an African America capital police officer was called racial slurs, luckily they did nothing to him but they definitely did threatened him.

Read more here:

Where the hell was the back the blue crowd when that happened?
Someone please explain to me how blm and antifa are “terrorists” but the people that rioted at the capital aren’t?
Someone please explain to me how blm and antifa are “terrorists” but the people that rioted at the capital aren’t?
Someone please explain to me how blm and antifa are “terrorists” but the people that rioted at the capital aren’t?
49 Opinion