Are some people truly superior?

Think for a second, if you will. How many times in life have you heard everybody is equal? I'm here to tell you, I believe that's a load of shit. I don't believe race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion play any part in that. There are black people superior to white people, there are white people superior to black. This also goes for comparison between straight people and the lgbt community, religions, and genders. So you might be asking... how would a person be superior? I believe that there are several domains:
1. Intelligence
2. Physical ability
3. Morality
4. Productivity
5. People Skills
6. Creativity
7. Grit
8. Resiliency
9. Adaptability
10. Ambition
Now, that is quite a list. Obviously some people will be superior in one or more domains, but inferior in others. But the main question is, how would we measure to compare against others? And how do we agree on the criteria? Remember the domains I listed are my own personal opinion, not anything remotely factual. All in all, It took me quite a while to come to terms, with it drilled in my head everybody is equal. Some people are truly superior. That is not a free pass to act with arrogance. But in this brutal world, it's unfortunate to say, some people don't have talent and potential. I myself, would rate myself above average, but wouldn't say I'm the cream of the crop. Now my question is, do you think some people are superior? How?
Are some people truly superior?
Post Opinion