Will the right wing trick of telling the white slaves they are better than the black slaves continue to work out for fascism?


Democracy has been checkmated. Far right fascism will dominate the world after 2025. People will be told to be mad and afraid of other countries because religion and will listen because those other countries will be told to be mad and afraid of us because of our religion. People will choose leaders based on who projects the strength to protect them rather than the wisdom to prevent the need for protection. Religious extremists will dominate legislatures to reinforce the idea that other countries should be afraid second only to their own governments.

And with all this fear controlling everyone obviously slavery will come back in some form. In the US the poor will be expected to send their children to work instead of school. Public schools will just be daycares or detention centers. Private schools will be exclusive to the upper class. A permanent underclass of slaves will be made of this indifferent to race, hinging entirely on access to wealth. Of course this could all end at any moment if the slaves rose up but that's not going to happen because the far right religious nationalist governments will simply tell their white slaves that this all the fault of the black slaves, who they are of course superior to. White people have already shown they are willing to endure much being taken from them in exchange for being told it isn't their fault. And without education they will become less aware of their options instead of more aware. Or would they?

The far right was close to achieving this end with the first great depression - the white slaves were blaming the black slaves for free. If not for the media they would have achieved their goal. It is clear they are trying again, except they have learned their mistakes - they own the media - and they know how to stop a progressive or even a moderate from being elected in the US again. Is it possible for white men to put down their addiction to grievance if things get truly bad or will they die on that hill?

They can not rise to the moment. Addiction is too powerful a foe to self improvement, let alone world improvement
This generation is lost but maybe the next one who is inoculated from misinformation by immersion will rise to meet the moment
It think white men are smart enough to see for themselves who is driving the car when the rubber finally meets the road. The far right will be pushed back on schedule. We got this.
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Will the right wing trick of telling the white slaves they are better than the black slaves continue to work out for fascism?
11 Opinion