Will Russia take the risk of invading Ukraine?

In 1997, in The Grand Chessboard, the American strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski, already explained that Eurasia being the main stake for America, Russia, should be contained and deprived of control of Ukraine so that it does not become again never a great Eurasian power and ceases to be an empire.

The American hyperpower, winner of the Cold War, had to prevent any “anti-hegemonic” alliance, in particular Russian-European.

Brzezinski advocated supporting the forces and states formerly occupied by the Soviet Union or its allies, particularly targeting Poland, the Baltic States, Romania, and above all Ukraine, described as the strategic lock intended to "prevent Russian expansion in his near abroad.

Hence his suggestion to finance the anti-Russian forces in western Ukraine in order to make Moscow lose control of this pivotal country between Russia, Europe and the Mediterranean (via the Crimea, the Black Sea and the Turkish Straits).

the hypothesis of an "invasion" of Ukraine by the Russian army and its consequences in terms of indirect US-Russian confrontation have raised the apocalyptic specter of a generalized NATO/US-Russia conflict. This scenario is of course almost impossible, given the principle of nuclear deterrence.

Interestingly enough, Napoleon himself in his time dreamed of making Ukraine a "Barrier" state. he said that this state would allow one of the most important barriers to Russian ambitions and claims on the Black Sea, Bosphorus.

Ukraine, Russia old geopolitical quarrel between Westerners and Russians
Will Russia take the risk of invading Ukraine?
Will Russia take the risk of invading Ukraine?
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