Is anybody else here pissed off about Richmond VA removing all of its Confederate monuments? And why weren’t the vandals held accountable for damages?

The former Capital of the Confederacy has removed all of its confederate monuments under public pressure. All because a small and vocal minority of people deemed them too “offensive”.

Even though in reality they’re just ignorant of history.

Hell the matter wasn’t even decided by a public referendum. The city’s mayor just decided he wanted to get rid of the monuments.

But besides that point, I would’ve liked to have one day seen those monuments in person. But of course, I no longer have that option. All because Democrats believe in erasing history they deem to be “too offensive” which is merely a subjective matter.

But the fact of the matter is much of the world’s history isn’t pretty. But its still important for understanding how things came to be.

And worse yet they didn’t even attempt to prosecute those people that posted pictures of themselves on social media vandalizing the monuments even though they were clearly committing a crime by decimating city property.

Anyways I just find it upsetting how these people broke the law and yet they aren’t being held accountable for it.

I know this old news, but I’m in Virginia this week and the issue just came back to mind.

I’m just sick of watching the left having no respect for our history and trying to erase every possible aspect of it.

I read into the issue a bit more and basically what happened is the Democrats in Virginia unanimously voted in 2020 to allow localities to “remove and relocate” (via HB 1537 and SB 137) war monuments whereas they had previously been protected under a state law passed in 1997.

Either way it’s important for people to understand the history of the city, regardless of whether or not they agree with it. But of course it seems as though Democrats just want to tuck the city’s history away and hide it just because its an inconvient truth for them to live with.

Either way it’s just upsetting to see how their personal beliefs are enough to justify erasing history that they disagree with.
Is anybody else here pissed off about Richmond VA removing all of its Confederate monuments? And why weren’t the vandals held accountable for damages?
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