Do you agree contrary to some people that eugenics is actually moral because it eliminate human suffering?

Imagine if we could engineer future generations to be more attractive and intelligent people.
That is eugenics as far as I know.
Some people think it is immoral. Because they say things like every person regardless of any physical and intellectual characteristics has his or her dignity. Every person is beautiful the way he or she is. And all these psychological bandages. :/

But if you think about it, whats better than being attractive and intelligent to make you feel good, and have a happy and worthwhile life?

Eugenics can give this to people. To future generations. And so contrary to being immoral it is moral (very moral), because it eliminates people's suffering!
What is immoral is letting humans suffer and do nothing about it!

If it can happen or not is a different issue. At this stage we are asking ourselves IF such a thing like eugenics exists will you be in favor of it?

I think presently it is possible to some degree with genetic engineering, and the idea of eugenics if it takes hold can be further developed to a high degree of efficacy. Thereby achieve a noble goal for the future of humanity.
Yes I agree with eugenics
No I disagree with eugenics
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Do you agree contrary to some people that eugenics is actually moral because it eliminate human suffering?
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