Why do Europeans criticize America even though their own countries have a dark past?

As an American, I've really gotten tired of the criticism.

"You don't have universal health care."
"You're all a bunch of trigger-happy gun lovers."
"You built your country on slavery and the slaughter of Native Americans."

Did you forget about your monarchs who killed their 17 year old wives for not producing a male child? Did you forget about your psycho leaders who slaughtered Jews? Did you forget about the slave ships you built? The crusades you waged?

Oh, and here we Americans go again -- funding the end of yet another one of your ridiculous wars. Why? So you can turn around and criticize us for being the greatest country on Earth? Seriously, we're a super power. We don't need free health care. And yes, if some foreign invaders come over here starting some crap, we will pull out our guns.

Now, go ahead and get yourself some Starbucks coffee and sit there on your American invention called the internet and go ahead and criticize me.
America owns you
America owns you
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Can we just get this straight once and for all? The Internet is an American invention. So, please for the love of God, go to your medieval castles and criticize us on parchment paper or whatever makes you feel better: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet
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Do you guys hear that? It's my favorite sound. Eurosilence.
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The Founding Fathers were dieities who created a New World. A World of freedom and natural rights endowed by the Creator. God Bless America!
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After consulting with American intelligence, I have become painfully aware that the criticism from Europe is, in fact, a desperate cry for help. Do not be afraid, we will start to fix your broken health care system and attempt something like the 2nd Amendment for the EU in Q3.
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Just got back from Europe. It was like a giant medieval ghetto full of whores.
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I just had to uninstall WhatsApp because some European girl.
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Now some Europeans are trying to tell me America didn't invent the airplane. Ok, we're not idiots we know other people attempted flight before we got it right.
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Some Eurotrash told me that all girls from the Southeast U. S. were stupid. This is a myth intended to perpetuate slavery.
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Wow, now I find out some Europeans that work in acquisitions at my company is "losing deals" left and right. I don't understand why you people have to send your trash over here. We were good puritans before the Europenans came over.
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Now y'all trying to get every body all upset Poland. y'all know it was probably just a Russian septic tank rolled in their back yard. Just keep your damn wars to yourself.
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World War III - thanks again Europe.
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Today this European girl said that Europeans forage for that food like Neanderthals.

Ok, use your mobile phone to order food like normal people.
Why do Europeans criticize America even though their own countries have a dark past?
93 Opinion