Why does the European Union seem to hate nationalism so much? Will people in western Europe ever wake up to the cultural genocide that’s taking place?


It’s very sad to see. Once great societies ripping themselves apart right before our very eyes.

Seeking to erase an entire continent’s legacy and namesake by abandoning the concept of national identity and flooding every country with migrants.

This man is right. The European Union isn’t about equality between states.

Its about bullying every nation into compliance with their agenda.

Countries aren’t allowed to put their own people first because its seen as racist and evil and non progressive.

It’s blasphemy. People of every country deserve the right to self-determination. They shouldn’t have outside influences pressuring them how to live.

And not to mention that Europe was doing perfectly fine without all these muslim migrants who have caused crime to spike, and displaced people in their own generational homelands.

I mean what’s next? A European continent run by muslims? Where does the insanity end?

And what benefit does it even bring to have all these people who refuse to assimilate into your culture, learn your language, and respect your traditions?

The people of Europe have inhabited the continent for thousands of years and they deserve the future for themselves.

It makes no sense to be bringing in all these people who don’t share your values, nor feel pride in your national identity.

I mean at least with Hispanics in the US, ideologically I share the same beliefs as them and we can both feel pride towards the same country.

Can’t say that about muslims in Europe though. They don’t ever really seem to speak the language. Nor do they seem to value the country they’re in.

Why does the European Union seem to hate nationalism so much? Will people in western Europe ever wake up to the cultural genocide that’s taking place?
7 Opinion