Should there be laws/rights to protect unattractive women?

Rights and laws to protect unattractive women from getting overlooked in job interviews, and to protect against them getting longer prison sentences than what they would otherwise face if they were more attractive.

Also, a law to ban men's insensitive tendency to flirt with an attractive woman standing right next to an unattractive woman. I mean honestly, why do men think that that is okay? Fine, you think the other one is attractive, but have the decency to wait until there aren't any other women around for god sakes.

Should there be laws/rights to protect unattractive women?
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Explain why you are all voting no. It's just as mean to deny unattractive women of attractive women's privileges as it is to publicly announce that a woman is unattractive
Should there be laws/rights to protect unattractive women?
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