Why is there an influx of logically inconsistent men?


I’m talking about the men who mocked feminists and SJW’s five years ago (and still do) but then turn around and have the parallel toxic mentality that has attached itself to the term incel. Can’t they see how ridiculous they’re being? If you want to be sexist, fine. As a man or woman. But I respect the feminists who say they’re feminists and hate men a lot more then the incels who reject the term incel and hate women. 🤷‍♀️
And be consistent at least! Feminists and incels. If you think you’re superior because of your gender, don’t pretend to hide behind; “well they’re mean to me” cuz both of you can play that game all damn day long.

Why is there an influx of logically inconsistent men?
6 Opinion