Is tradition to give money to the children. Question is... when are they grown up?

Is tradition to give money to the children. Question is... when are they grown up?
I went with "other" but we have a similar New Year tradition here called Otoshidama:
If it is similar to Chinese tradition, we stop giving it when the children are in the range of late teens to early 20s (say between 18-21 years old).
Yep! I think it's quite similar to Chinese New Year and most likely imported from China. There isn't a hard rule on age at least here. Actually my uncle once gave me otoshidama when I was already in my mid-20s, but he's quite wealthy and generous being the eldest and most successful in the family. Mostly I think people taper off here though around 18-21 or so.
That's pretty cool. It's interesting to learn about other cultures.
Coming from a chinese background, they tend to use money as a way of leveraging relationships. The elderly gives money as a way of forcing respect from the youth, often when respect isn't due. In such manner, they feel money can truly "buy" respect. For example, I grew up getting physically hit and emotionally abused but my mom gives me money as a way of showing "she cares".
Never heard that you give money during it. I'll help the little tykes out some. Here is my donation.
Monopoly money?
Hell no! These look way better than Monopoly money. 😉😎
You would still get money as long as you are not marry 😊
I was sent money by my ex mother in law, yesterday.
Didn’t accept it, but she still sent.
My wife's family is Chinese. they must really have liked you to do that. And to want someone outside their culture is exceptional.
The way I loved their son and their son loved me - must have caused the deep respect and love to me. 😊
yes. generally speaking when people break up, families usually don't care and no longer speak. maybe they think their son be dumb dumb letting go. And that even more resounding if he #1 son.
When they are old enough to earn their own after the phD.
I never had chance to give anyone money during that time of year
If you are single…you would be getting the red envelope 🧧
@midnightmoon05 oh really?
so red envelopes only for singles?
Yes lol…
You give out red envelopes once you are married. To kids generally speaking…
Nowadays some don’t get marry so they still get to collect red envelopes 🧧
@midnightmoon05 that seems fun to do
liked the tradition
Indeed…kids favorite…to receive red envelopes 🧧… I heard some get $1k
i knew a chinese family who did that and they still did it to their 27yo son
I don't follow that custom.
I never got a dime either... only when I lost teeth or did work. it's an interesting way to pass on weath and encourage the children.