An Ethical Dilemma: Rescue Mission?

I've always found a lot of ethical dilemmas presented in philosophy rather contrived since they not only provide the consequences to our possible decisions (a type of foresight we generally lack in real life) but further go to reduce those decisions to multiple choice.

So I thought I'd try presenting an ethical dilemma which isn't so contrived in this way. Here goes, and please forgive me for anyone with a real military background if it's blatantly absent understanding of military knowledge (something I admittedly lack):

You are a commander of an army and a small group of your soldiers have become stranded in deep enemy territory. Intelligence reports suggest that there is an extremely low probability of successfully rescuing the soldiers (that is to say, this will likely be a suicide mission), but some of your troops have bravely volunteered to take on a rescue mission.

What course of action in this scenario do you believe to be the most ethical choice and why?

4 mo
If there are any variables omitted in the dilemma that might impact your decision, like precisely who the soldiers are that are stranded, please feel free to include that as part of your rationale.
4 mo
Also as a bonus if people want to contemplate an alternative scenario, what if no soldiers volunteer to attempt a rescue?
An Ethical Dilemma: Rescue Mission?
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