Are dogs really man's best friend or a menace to society?


This will ruffle a lot of feathers because there's sooo many dog lovers (nuts) in the world. And I feel their opinion will be mostly emotional because of their fondness for their animals. I looked into it objectively sticking to the facts, to me the data overwhelmingly debunks the LIE that dogs are man's best friend. Google dog attacks. In the US alone there are over 12,000 people attacked by a dog everyday. Equaling to 4.5 million every year and it seems to be climbing Some of the individual stories are heartbreaking. Sebastian caban was only 3 days old when the family dog attacked and killed him. The reason for the attack the mother coughed and it startled the dog triggered it just attacked the baby right in front of the parents. They separated the dog from their child and rushed to the hospital but the damage was done Sebastian succumbed to his injuries. Another story a woman was babysitting a couples infant. The family dog they all loved ripped the infant out of her arms and mauled to death. That woman had to call the parents and say like I'm sorry and everything but my dog killed your baby today. What a schmuck! When the tragedies happen these families are in shock and disbelief all saying the same thing the dog never showed any sign of aggression before. This is what happens when you try to blur the lines and live a fantasy saying that the dog is a member of the family and loves us. Then you have Jacqueline Durand the dog loving dog sitter she's unrecognizable now. On a dog sitting gig she was viciously attacked bitten over 800 times reportedly. Thousands of the attacks require surgeries, 30-50 of the attacks result in the dog killing the person sometimes the victim being the loving owner. Insurance companies pay out millions in claims. the phrase dogs are man's best friend is a big lie from hell. Numbers don't lie The data show dogs are a menace to society. Was you aware of the numbers are so high? What are your thoughts.

Are dogs really mans best friend or a menace to society?
Are dogs really man's best friend or a menace to society?
23 Opinion