If we were to ever have a female president in the US, do you think anyone who criticizes her would be labeled a misogynist, incel or “pick me”?

If we were to ever have a female president someday, do you think anyone who criticizes her the same way they would any male president would be labeled a misogynist, and/or an incel and their manhood ridiculed and made fun of or their “pick me” status ridiculed and made fun of if it were a female who criticized the first female president regardless of party affiliation?
Yes, if we had a female president anyone who criticizes her would be branded a misogynist/incel/pick me by someone
No, if we had a female president anyone who criticizes her would not be branded a misogynist/incel/pick me by anyone
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If we were to ever have a female president in the US, do you think anyone who criticizes her would be labeled a misogynist, incel or “pick me”?
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