Compulsory voting in the USA: Yea, or nay?

"civic duty"
"civic duty"

Last year some Democrat politicians from Washington state (not D. C.) were enamored with Australia's compulsory attendance to voting booths on election days, and decided to take it upon themselves to try and make it illegal to not vote. This proposal died in committee last year, but apparently that wasn't enough to deter them from pushing for it a second time.

The Democrat's official reason for pushing for this is that it will "enable people to vote who currently cannot" and "make people more informed by giving them no choice but to vote". But knowing that a good chunk of Democrat voters often don't vote either out of laziness or out of protest, the more apparent motivation is that this bill is geared towards self-interest.

Representative Sam Hunt claims there will be no consequence for violating this law by not voting, but then why would you pass a law if there are no consequences for breaking it? What's going to happen if people break this law anyway? Fine them like in most countries where not voting at all is a crime? What's going to happen if someone gets fined and decided not to pay the fines? We already have people disobeying speed limits, but there are tangible consequences for that that range from fines to possibly imprisonment depending on how serious the infraction was (as well as the demeanor of the police involved).

A common argument that mandatory voting will lead to voters being more informed... this is just a dumb, baseless claim that has no merit to it whatsoever. Plenty of people who reliably vote already are dumb as a brick. I have been in electoral politics in the past, and holy shit have I run into people that make Patrick Star look like a genius without the brain coral. People who don't do basic research or are easily duped by ideologues, as well as people who blindly vote for candidates of a specific party regardless of what they will do once elected.

Is there anything I'm missing? Tell me in your replies below!

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I oppose compulsory voting
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Compulsory voting in the USA: Yea, or nay?
Post Opinion