Why do right wingers love comparing people to Nazis?

Labour party definitely look like total Nazis
Labour party definitely look like total Nazis

This makes 0 sense to me. Like for instance the mass murderer Anders Breivik who killed children in the summer camp of the Labour party of Norway which is a center left party. He specifically hated immigrants and Muslims and wanted to create a Norway for blonde and blue eyed people. He hated the Labour party because he thought they made things too easy for immigrants. He was on forums with Neo Nazis but later on he compared everybody he didn't like to Nazis, like the Labour party, the judges and prosecutors etc.

You are literally supporting the Nazi ideology. But even for people who are not as extreme as Anders Breivik it doesn't make sense to call people on the left of you Nazis. If you want to call them communists that's probably also not true but at least it makes some sense.

Is it because Nazis have become such a symbol for everything evil and they don't think about it at all?

And no Nazis were not a left wing Organization just because their party was called Nationalist Socialist Party The socialism was in there because Germany was facing hard economic times an they wanted to convince people that they would take care of them but their main platform was based on nationalism, xenophobia and racism and just anger and hatred which is still what right wing parties do today.

Also the tools that nationalists use today to promote their ideology is way more comparable to Nazis than what parties on the left do.

Military parades, flags, medals, calling your country the greatest, warning of a outside threat or immigration potentially destroying your perfect country.

Why do right wingers love comparing people to Nazis?
Why do right wingers love comparing people to Nazis?
Post Opinion