Does anyone else want to change race?

Yeah there's probably millions of question of bl a ck women stating how much they want to switch races. Here's another question first of all it doesn't matter what man or even woman. I noticed the lighter you are the better you are treated. Even if I'm mixed I guess my skin is too dark. Even a lot of "religions" view dark skin as sinful and evil. Sadly I feel like some kind of gothic girl if I wear too much black. If my outfit has too much black. Also I as a woman of color I struggle to look pretty. I refuse to fully conform to America's standards I don't care to look like a blow up barbie doll I'm not gonna ruin my face for pounds of makeup. As a woman of color I can never win back then when I wore a lot of makeup I got treated better but I was only seen as a object of easy. Now that I prefer natural beauty now I'm seen as a ugly. Curly hair is the biggest issue not only does it give away my race but curly hair will always be inferior in fact I think it was a curse placed on certain women. Notice witches usually have curly hair and the hair is always frizzy. Curly hair also shrinks up so it looks like us girls with long hair look like we have ugly wooly short poofy cotton curly hair. Deep down I don't think anyone likes being bl a ck maybe some guys don't mind but as for women I don't think any woman of color truly wants to be this race. Reason some of self hate is because men hate us so much as if we came from Satan himself. I truly wonder if we are a cursed tribe of women. Yes our features are undesirable and that's another reason I think we are cursed. Nobody is supposed to have big noses or less of a feminine bone structure. Some women have the stronger bone structure. Every other woman got beautiful straight shiny hair that grows long. We have to beat our hair into submission to look like another race's hair and sometimes our hair won't obey us forcing us to put it in a bun or cover it with a head covering. At this point I rather wear a covering over my hair

Does anyone else want to change race?
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