Could it be that Donald Trump was telling the truth all along?

He recently claimed to be in a helicopter crash that never happened and further claimed Harris’s crowds were ai generated when they were not. Could it be that these aren't lies but rather at his advanced age his cognitive decline has made them reality in his mind?
Yes. He never lied. His discongruence with reality was always a symptom of cognitive decline but we just didn't see it that way because we like to be entertained.
No, he's a pathological liar.
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Here is an update. Some disputed the story about claiming to have been in a helicopter crash so here are clips of him making the claim. So, dementia patient or liar? https://youtu. be/XXjguIbsKp4? si=dnNDZDqiQrllCbO1
Could it be that Donald Trump was telling the truth all along?
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