I think it's the constant competition that makes it feel like a struggle. What do you think?
I think it's the constant competition that makes it feel like a struggle. What do you think?
Trying to keep up with so many constant changes. Everything seems to be changing every single day and it's hard to keep up with.
Each new year laws change and you need to know what the changes are, and there are plenty of them this year.
Trying to get along with people. It's not that I don't get along with most people but there always seems to be some that are very hard to get along with. Like the lady at the front desk at my apartment building. She's Misinformation - that's what I call her. I think she was trained at CNN because she never gives me the correct information about things I must know in order to live here.
Making sure my son is being taken care of and getting everything he needs.
Just maneuvering life on a daily basis is getting harder.
Accepting the death of a loved one, in the last 5 years I have gone far too often to the graves of people I loved. The hardest part is accepting it, and accepting the fact that we'll never see them again, and we have to get on with our lives without them.
" Such is the life of men. A few joys, quickly erased by unforgettable sorrows. There’s no need to tell this to children."
... Not without them I shall say. With their legacy, living within, I don't mean that as something abstract or literary, I mean it, like, literally.
Loss / acceptance. I think we all experience this at least once in our life and the impact it will have will likely vary.
From the breakup of a relationship , loss of a parent or sibling to the loss of what we take for granted at times like bodily functions , limbs , health overall etc.
My experiences of loss to date have greatly impacted my life and the path to acceptance very challenging but I’m still here.. silver lining though is that acceptance gets easier along with inner strength , will power , perseverance etc
So true. Yet, one of the sweetest moments of my life was coming to in the hospital with my big brother sitting there holding my hand. And then, there was the time I was so down and sad, but as I walked down the loud, busy city street, there was this little daisy growing up between the cracks in the sidewalk. And I swear, that daisy is me...
Nice that you remember those little things , how you frame it in your mind I think is really quite important.
I agree. It makes all the difference between just surviving or thriving. I think about daisies a lot now. Lol
Finding significance in the absurdity of the world.
It has been a lot of work, wandering and efforts to navigate in this existence, since I'm old enough to make use of reason. Thankfully, there are areas of life where any prime reason has no impact nor usage 😌
Not being able to find a loyal man.
I can handle not being where I want to be financially or with my career, my and my partner can work on ourselves together.
It’s the fact that there are no loyal men or at least very very few. I want to be a wife and mother so this is extremely hard for me
Finding work you enjoy that pays well, fostering good familial and friend ties, finding avocations that enrich you and others around you and connecting your life with art, music, film and gardening: the top things that make life wonderful!
hmmm... Except for the inevitable demise, I think life has been kinda fun :)
Sure, but don't struggles in life make life more interesting? I like to be challenged and If I win or lose, well, there is always something I've learned from it.
Here is a quote for you (not in the original Greek of course :) ) "Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems"
I know. LIfe isn't easy unless you come to realize that it's... just life. Here is another quote from the same philosopher : "Don't hope that events will turn out the way you want, welcome events in whichever way they happen: this is the path to peace"
how everyone is a little shit to some degree
having to spend most of your life working, giving you little free time until you're old
the cost of living
the inevitable end
learning how to fully except change and going with the flow while having a plan something you have to hit your head and keep going and learn
changing, becomming your best self and adapting, it's hard work. It's inevitable that life changes.
It's easy to be thankful it seems, and that I am.
My best friend died yesterday. The hardest thing is surviving. The only reward for living long is a lonely funeral. Im running out of friends to attend mine and I'm sick to death of going to theirs.
Thank you. Condolences well received
Just dealing the world and all it’s failings while trying to maintain faith in higher power and it’s ideals.
For me the most difficult thing about life and the thing that truly shows you the real life is losing your loved ones especially mother life before mother is a thing and after is another thing and ugly truth is that you can't get her back
Having to be in a position where you have to watch powerless in a situation where you can't do anything to help or change it.
Choosing the right path in a brief moment when you are too close to see the whole picture. We all can make the wrong choice without knowing it.
Getting wealthy
To accept and to tolerate things that we don't agree with?
It's the seemingly constant bombardment of negative vibes through brainwaves. It just makes me tired sometimes.
It’s a constant struggle , but that makes it worthwhile
Pausing to revel and celebrate the astonishing miraculous beauty that is life.
I think the most difficult thing these days (in the First World anyway) is figuring out what you should be working on.
People. Relationships.
People who Do not get The Lord. xxoo
sometimes it's out of your control
Trying to get along with other people.
Maintaining ambition. Easy to get lazy.
Losing somebody that you love.
stuck in past.
The sudden stop at the end.
The government stealing all my money is difficult
death of someone you love
Finding my one true love.
Being a black man.
living it...
Other people.
The suffering..
Paying the bills.
To be alive 😄
Fighting the leftists
Living it