How should I confront a guy that kicks my chair Or should I just keep ignoring it?

It's really getting on my nerves, I mean he doesn't need to stretch his legs out that far to hit my chair.

I can't tell if it's intentional but I'm sure he can tell I scoot in more when he hits my chair so that he can't do it anymore.

He doesn't smile at me outside of class, in fact he looks straight through me so I'm sure he doesn't like me.

I could just move where I sit but I've done that before and don't want to move because someone makes it hard for me.

I think I will confront him but not sure when. If I do it before he might say he doesn't know what I'm talking about,
If I do it right after he kicks my chair it'll be in the middle of lecture and I'll seem like the crazy one for yelling out of no where.
If after class won't happen because he leaves early with his friend.

And on top of all of that he talks to a girl that hates me for no reason! I tried being friends with her but noticed she wasn't friendly so I stopped talking to her Now all of a sudden she tries to befriend him!!

I feel like I'm I'm high school but I'm a freshmen in college

What would you do if someone was kicking your chair? (He doesn't kick hard but lightly and I never look back to see his face instead I scoot my chair in as much as possible )
How should I confront a guy that kicks my chair Or should I just keep ignoring it?
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