Why I feel the term feminism has been ruined

I've grown up as what I thought was a feminist, I have been involved in volunteering with young women, working on their skills...
4 28

HistoryTake: Indigenous heritage of the Taino Indians of Puerto Rico.

I came a cross a question on GAG about Indian war paint. It made me wonder about my own Indian heritage The Taino Indians. The post was...
0 10
Home Chats

Women are not to blame for societal problems and failures.

Saw a question about feminism possibly “killing off” marriage. This will be short and I will be deleting this Take. I am not going to...
6 27

Girls more than guys are more free market capitalist individuals

Hear me out. I know it's the reverse in terms of economics and wealth, but in terms of body and dating, they're like- too bad nice guy....
0 3

History of Asian-Americans in the US military

Asian-Americans are the most marginalized racial group in the West. Especially by the social justice crowd who consider Asian-Americans...
3 16

Why do people forget that Evil comes in all colors not just black or white?

Evil comes in all colors, don't let the media tell you otherwise... Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. is an American serial killer, serial...
2 6

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

1) India 2) Afghanistan 3) Syria 4) Somalia 5) Saudi Arabia 6) Pakistan 7) Democratic Republic of Congo 8) Yemen 9)...
5 16

What’s your honest opinion on Black Lives Matter?

https://youtu.be/b12g81HWO4U Candace Owens always finds ways to utterly destroy the BLM narrative, and it’s just fantastic to see her...

Is it offensive for foreigners to wear Indian clothing?

We're Korean-Filipino. My brother got transferred to India in his line of work about 5 years ago, and now he's engaged to a woman...

Is it racist to say I'm not attracted to white guys?

Would never date one I like all other races, (especially blacks and Native Americans) except for white guys
27 53

Why black people call each other the n-word?

You don't hear white people calling each other crackers and chinese people calling each other chinks. The N word is even worse than...

Why are feminists so annoying?

I feel like they are hypocrites. I also feel like they hate men and are sexist. Am i wrong?

Is Arthur Harris the European Meme version of General Sherman?

They're arguably the military leaders who committed the most atrocious acts of on the just side of their respective conflicts and memes...

Would you date a felon?

So I recently did some time locked up. And I was surprised at how many men still had an on going relationships while they were in...
4 3

What would you do? You're a guy on a bus, a woman walks up and asks for your seat, her only reason for wanting it is that she is a woman?

I am of two minds on this.. If she is a woman, she is not entitled to my seat, Full stop.. Sorry i was here first lady.. The only way...
5 22

Do pedophiles deserve the death penalty?

I personally think they do. It's amazing that the media doesn't cover child trafficking as much as it should.
4 20

Someone just punched me, then ran away. Should I try to catch him so I can punch him back?

He is no longer a threat, but I want to catch him and punch him back!
1 2

Which of these mouse traps methods do you think is most inhumane?

Don't you hate when people use inhumane methods to get rid of rodents? These creatures do not need to suffer. Of course there may be...
2 8

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