Top ten most dangerous countries for women

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

1) India

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

2) Afghanistan

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

3) Syria

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

4) Somalia

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

5) Saudi Arabia

She worked with me Meghan Markle too
She worked with me Meghan Markle too

6) Pakistan

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

7) Democratic Republic of Congo

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

8) Yemen

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

9) Nigeria

Top ten most dangerous countries for women

Hope the BLM movement will talk about Boko Haram kidnapping 200 school girls in Nigeria.

10) US

Harvey Weinsten sexually abused at least 87 Hollywood actresses and is now in jail for 23 years. However, the good thing is that victim blaming and shaming is not as prevalent in the west as it is in Asia. There is no stigma. Whereas, in some countries, rape victims are stoned to death, lashed 100 times, disowned and even killed in the name of honour.


There is a pattern in the list that I just can't put my finger on due to political correctness lobby, which is always ready to pounce at you.

They fail to understand that facts don't care about your feelings. Truth is not supposed to sound nice. Truth is bitter but truth still prevails.

I wonder what the UN is doing about this humanitarian crisis across the globe.

Or how much of this is being reported by the International media.

We need International documentaries on this to raise awareness, to make sure that at least stories are heard and to increase people's general knowledge.

It will educate people. It is an eye opener. It will make people realise how much they take for granted.

It will make social justice warriors and the feminists realise where their energy, time and mental space needs to be invested because they are always debating over superficial issues like why girls wear pink and why boys wear blue, whilst people are dying and being killed every single day on our planet earth. This makes them rebels without a cause.

And my message is don't take your freedom for granted because there are millions fighting a battle for their freedom even in the 21st century.

And since all of you use your phones, let me tell you a woman was stoned to death just for possessing a phone in Pakistan 2011. She was a mother of two.

And we all have a moral duty to raise awareness on social issues affecting women across the globe.

People in the west including men, women and children take so much for granted. What they view as basic human rights are still considered a privilege in another part of the world.

There are countries where you can get killed just for:

Giving an opinion

Just for saying no to an arranged marriage.

Just for wanting a love marriage

Just for interacting with the opposite gender

Just for going to school.

Just for showing your hair and skin

Just for getting raped

Just for demanding your rights

Just for being a non-Muslim

Just for being a woman

Every breath is a blessing.

Next time, you want to moan about your life, read this article.

Top ten most dangerous countries for women
21 Opinion