
A few things I’ve recently learned about women’s rights that I think everyone should know

The following list is of NINE things a woman couldn’t do in 1971 – yes the date is correct 1971. You can thank RBG. In 1971 a woman...
6 35

The facts about Communism and all its shades.

I have noticed a disturbing lack of insight into the realities of the political ideology of communism. I have read history since young,...
1 17

Medical Apartheid is coming to the United States. How did it go from " two weeks to flatten the curve " to " you can't travel across state lines...
1 15

A few things I've changed my mind about

I have recently changed my mind about a few freedoms: marijuana and abortion. On the topic of marijuana: I don't condone the use of...
0 10

Liberals are angry, hurting individuals

Based on comments I've seen from liberals on this platform, I have concluded that liberals are angry and/or hurting people. I have...
1 9

The Feminist Apocalypse

What do feminists really want? I don't mean every woman who says she's a feminist... I mean the women who have actually put a lot of...
3 12

Abortions should be legal and here’s why.

I’ll start of my saying I don’t agree with abortions as a form of birth control. But there are too many circumstances in which they are...
3 14

Do you think parents should play a part in how your kids are educated by government officials?

do you care so much about your kids future that they would feed your kids garbage. Gender pronouse, sex reassignment, normalizing...

Is factioning ruining American society?

Malcolm X once said (I am paraphrasing) that the best way for white citizens to help the black experience is to speak among their own...

Why do most people no longer support the BLM movement?

We have seen what the BLM movement does to our cities and towns. It leaves nothing but chard destruction and theft's. Broken windows,...

It is wrong that I actually admire Pol Pot's idea of Year Zero?

Destroy all culture from the past, eradicate all kinds of distinctions and forge a new, monolithic society? I've been currently using...

Could This Actually Happen?

2 19

What do you think of Greg & Travis McMichael? The people who chased down & shot a jogger Mr. Arbery for no other reason than he was black?

They have admitted they never saw him commit a crime, there was no proof he committed a crime. The son Travis McMichael even thought...
0 3

Is it wrong to say "I am proud of being born a man"?

Can you be proud of being the male gender?
2 15

Overall do you have a positive or negative view on peaceful protesters?

When you see them on the sidewalks and such what are you thinking?
11 42

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