Why do most people no longer support the BLM movement?

We have seen what the BLM movement does to our cities and towns. It leaves nothing but chard destruction and theft's. Broken windows, smashes cars, broken homes, Innocent people being hurt and those trying to protect their lively hoods are killed. Yet it blows my mind that the left's news outlets and leftists mayors would call this is "Peaceful protest". No... it's not peaceful. I believe that we as American's should protect our country from these domestic terrorists. There is a time when people simply walked down the street in the day voicing their opinions yet when night arrives it's when their sick BLM movement turns around and destroys everything. When the police's hands are tied because of excessive use of force and the lefts political correctness then I think it should be up to the people to put their food down and defend their towns from these terrorists. It's good to know the police have kyle's back because he's the only one who stood up to these BLM protesters.
Why do most people no longer support the BLM movement?
17 Opinion