Isshinryu Karate Kusanku Kata meaning. What do you think?

Bunkai/Meaning starts at 9:20 mark and continues.

For those who said you can't kill a person in one move, they don't know what they're talking about. The opening of the Kata KILLS your first attacker in 2 seconds flat.

This obeys the "Ten Second Rule" of street self defense. You must maim your first attacker in 10 seconds or less to stand any chance in a street fight. If you are out-numbered, you must maim your first attacker in 5 seconds or less to stand any chance.
+1 y

Round house into Jump Spinning Back kick, executed in real time. This is the most powerful kick in Martial Arts, it'll crush you skull, break legs, ribs, anything you hit full force is pretty much broken.
+1 y

I wouldn't release the wrist lock here, I'd hold on to him, unless there was another attacker to be concerned about. I'd hold on and deliver some stomp kicks from arm control here, but again it depends on whether there's another attacker to fight.
Isshinryu Karate Kusanku Kata meaning. What do you think?
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