What is your opinion dividing guys' teams by shirts vs skins in sports?


I had thought this was a thing of the past, but last summer I worked in a camp as a counselor, and standard practice at that camp was to get boys to play shirts vs skins for the sports tournaments. Boys and girls usually played separate tournaments, but would often play in the vicinty of each other (girls had different color t shirts according to their camp team).

Do you think this is a good way to build the guys' confidence, or is it unfair to expect guys to do that, in case it made them shy or worried about people judging their bodies? (From the girls' perspective when the male counselors had to play shirts vs skins in staff competitions we were definitely checking the guys out)

I was reminded about it because my brother was complaining they had to play shirts vs skins for basketball practice at school, so I suppose that's some evidence.

What is your opinion dividing guys teams by shirts vs skins in sports?
What is your opinion dividing guys' teams by shirts vs skins in sports?
3 Opinion