5 Applications that You Can Use to Fulfill Your New Year Resolutions!


1. Save money- Mint

5 Applications that You Can Use to Fulfill Your New Year Resolutions!

This app promises to be a good financial advisor, helping to spend smarter to save as much as possible. Mint will allow you to track all your expenses and develop your own budget.

2. Lose weight- Fat Alien Pro

5 Applications that You Can Use to Fulfill Your New Year Resolutions!

It has a precise control over the number of calories that each food or dish has. In addition, It doesn't require internet connection in order to be able to visualize the calories anywhere and at any time to maintain optimal control.

3. Exercise - Runtastic

5 Applications that You Can Use to Fulfill Your New Year Resolutions!

This application has more than 120 videos in high definition and easy to follow that show how to execute the exercises with your own body correctly.

Runtastic also includes a nutrition and health guide with weekly tips that educate and inspire changes in lifestyle and users may share their results of the transformation of their body with the community, which will also serve as a form of inspiration so as not to abandon the program.

4. Quit smoking- QuitNow!

5 Applications that You Can Use to Fulfill Your New Year Resolutions!

QuitNow lets you know when did you smoke last time, have many cigarettes you have managed to avoid, and how much money you saved by doing this. Perfect app to put aside all the toxic!

5. Learn to cook- Kitchen Stories

5 Applications that You Can Use to Fulfill Your New Year Resolutions!

Kitchen Stories is a very easy app with recipes and videos for the beginners and more professional cooks.

5 Applications that You Can Use to Fulfill Your New Year Resolutions!
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