Anyone else hate using reddit or doesn't understand why it's still popular?

What is going on with reddit? I don't know what is wrong with the mods on that website. Recently I was a temporary ban from Shane Dawson subreddit want to know why? because I said no one has to give him sympathy just because he claims he was molested as a child. I love how we have to believe everyone who claims they were molested when he clearly shows he a manipulator and in one of his books made the claim he never was molested (which you are allow at that point to question how true the molested claims are). Also, my BIGGEST reason to NOT have sympathy for him was that he did and say hurtful things to other people and he never shows remorse.

I made that point clear and yet the OP of the post brought up Micheal Jackson and his "victims" I respond with "there a lot of evidence some of the victims are lying". They literally pull I'm invaliding Shane and MJ victims. I literally was wondering what was wrong with this person (if their evidence of someone lying it's okay to be susceptible of their claims since when is this a bad thing). I couldn't believe I got a temporary ban over in difference of opinion. Also, weird how this person wants people to stop "invaliding" Shane. I point out Shane made a horrible comment saying Trayon Martin should have got a job or he wouldn't be shot. I point this out and ask this person why is it okay to make comments about a child like this? (isn't that not invaliding the fuck up death Trayon went through?) just crickets.

I literally saw one of those reddit youtube videos and the OP in one story got all her posts remove from a subreddit because her posts got attention from outside of Reddit so the most logical thing? punish her by removing all her posts over it. She post her posts outside the subreddit and explains they gave that excuse the posts got too much attention so they remove the posts.

Anyone else can relate or agree that reddit is turning into a doodoo of a website? what do you think?
Anyone else hate using reddit or doesn't understand why it's still popular?
6 Opinion