How many of the MOST-VISITED WEBSITES do you frequently use?

How many of the MOST-VISITED WEBSITES do you frequently use?

The 50 Most-Visited Wubsites are listed in this Wikipedia article...

List of most-visited websites

How many of these do you frequently use? If you want, please tell us your favorite top 50 website.

Please vote in the poll below.

FYI... I often use about 15 of them.

U use NONE of the top 50 websites
1-10 of the top 50 websites
11-20 of the top 50 websites
21-30 of the top 50 websites
31-40 of the top 50 websites
41-50 of the top 50 websites
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
13 d
And before anyone asks... GaG did not make the top 50. 😥
How many of the MOST-VISITED WEBSITES do you frequently use?
30 Opinion