- 6 d
My phone doesn’t even have a lock passcode on it. Cannot be asked. Since I spend most of my working day at home, losing my phone isn’t an issue. And when I’m out, it’s probably at the bottom of my bag. I am literally the type of person you would not win money from by giving me a call. I won’t pick up.
10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
Since I'm not worried about anyone taking my finger and unlocking my phone, lol yeah I use the fingerprint scanner.
21 Reply
- 6 d
yup. and i'm of course using that over the password thing cause it's crazy fast.
21 Reply- 6 d
It Is indeed lol
- u6 d
yes, but I also use the pin, or nothing at all
12 Reply- 6 d
Fair enough lol
- 5 d
you know... if someone manages to steal my phone, i would not want them to take my finger either...
the pin is enough
What Girls & Guys Said
I use a password and a fingerprint so yes my Phone has one re-state//background_color_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0), font_color_rgb (77, 77, 77), justifyLeft
11 Reply- 1 d
You've got the justify glitch 💀
Yes, I have fingerprint scanner. It registered three of my fingers..
11 Reply- 6 d
I only got two registered, I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass and they gave me fingerprint to someone else lol
623 opinions shared on Technology & Internet topic. Are you kidding. I'm still using an old flip phone. I will use it till it quits working.
15 Reply- 5 d
Girl, you gotta get with the times. My iPhone is amazing. It will do everything but make breakfast.
- 5 d
@autonation Mine costs $25 a month. I can call or text anywhere in Canada. What more do I need.
- 5 d
Xfinity is $30.00 and you get unlimited data. If I trusted you, I would send you a free phone. I have a bunch of them from my "phone farm." Google had apps that would pay you to watch stupid commercials. I bought about six cheap phones, and I made the phones watch the videos with the volume off. My phone farm did this 24/7. They made me a cool thousand in about six months.
douride2, I respect your wishes, but I wanted to throw that out - 4 d
@autonation You must be in the US? I would put my next pay check on I couldn't get that deal up here in Canada.
- 4 d
In order to get the $30.00 deal, you need to have an Xfinity service of some kind. My WiFi is through them, so I have the good cell price.
The Google Play store had apps where you could get paid to watch commercials. So I bought 6 cheap smart phones from Walmart. I hooked them up to a power strip, and connected them to my Wifi. I called it my phone farm. :) I obviously muted the sound, and my phones watched commercial 24./7. The phones paid for themselves in a month, and I made about $1,000.00 in profit. The whole thing was just kind of funny, because I felt like a boss with 6 employees.
Yes, I always use the fingerprint scanner.
11 Reply- 6 d
Lol that's understandable
- 6 d
Yes but I don't use it
10 Reply - 5 d
No, it does not.
00 Reply - 5 d
I use facial recognition. It's amazing.
00 Reply Yuppers
10 Reply
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