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Polls: Technology & Internet

Tik tok
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Add Opinion 12 15
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Add Opinion 2 7
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
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Add Opinion 17 14

Who do you think is more likely to give up social media? Men or women?

I mean if anyone ever decides they want to just give up social media altogether, who do you think is more likely to come to that decision? Men or women?
I mean if anyone ever decides they want to just give up social media altogether, who do you think is more likely to come to that decision? Men or women? Show More
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Add Opinion 1 10

How many GAGers here also use reddit?

Are a lot of you also redditors too?
Are a lot of you also redditors too? Show More
I use reddit more than GAG actually
I go there just as much as GAG
I go here but not as much as reddit
I'm not really active on either site
I never use reddit
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Add Opinion 16 8
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Add Opinion 1 4

Laptop battery keeps depleting and stupid issues arise from it?

Often times it'll just force hibernate and randomly my gaming mouse's dongle will disconnect sometimes. Other times the laptop doesn't force hibernate and it just keeps depleting until it dies, and then I have to recharge...
Often times it'll just force hibernate and randomly my gaming mouse's dongle will disconnect sometimes. Other times the laptop doesn't force hibernate and it just keeps depleting until Show More
Keep Laptop Charging
Consider Buying New PC
Reinstall Windows 10
Switch To Another OS
Other (Comment Below)
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Add Opinion 1 3
They're cool! I want one!
They're ok
Too expensive
I have no opinion on Teslas
Fuck Teslas
Fuck Teslas AND fuck Elon!
Different opinion
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Add Opinion 7 9

Are you good with modern technology?

Such as computers, cell phones, televisions, etc?
Such as computers, cell phones, televisions, etc? Show More
Yes, I consider myself knowledgeable and well versed in modern technology.
Maybe, depends on the device in particular.
No, the less you know, the better Eugene.
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Add Opinion 7 21

Would you ever get an eye transplant if god forbid you could no longer see out of one?

Well guess what it is now possible! amazing huh? Doctors Complete First Successful Face and Whole-Eye Transplant...
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It makes them feel like the more people that watch them, they more liked they are/the more validated they feel
It makes them feel more attractive
For branding/marketing purposes
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Add Opinion 3 6

Are you using the GAG app or doing this on the browser?

I'm on the browser version because the reviews said there's a ton of ads. Like more than most apps. Is the app any different from the browser version?
I'm on the browser version because the reviews said there's a ton of ads. Like more than most apps. Is the app any different from the browser version? Show More
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Add Opinion 1 6
Meddling hand operator
Missing hanky order
Mighty hammer off
Many hot ones
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Add Opinion 1 6

What do you normally call this vehicle here?

I've heard people call this either a truck or van. It’s typically used for businesses.
I've heard people call this either a truck or van. It’s typically used for businesses. Show More
I say both interchangeably
Neither (what do you call it?)
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Add Opinion 2 9

Dating: is it a deal-breaker if your date uses a different phone than you?

Android phones (any type/brand) vs Apple phone (any series) . For me? - I love Android phones. I used to use apple products for iPod touches for two generations. I now prefer Android and have never used an iPhone. Date...
Android phones (any type/brand) vs Apple phone (any series) . For me? - I love Android phones. I used to use apple products for iPod touches for two generations. I now prefer Android and have never used an iPhone. Date deal-breaker / relationship deal-breaker 🫣😱
It's a deal-breaker if they don't use an Android phone like I do
It's a deal-breaker if they don't use an Apple iPhone like i do
I'm too poor for a phone
I still use non-smart phones (dumb phone)
Landline? Lol
Other / let's see results
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Add Opinion 4 5

Do you get/have phone anxiety?

I've been dealing with this for as long as I can remember. 😭 I'll avoid phone calls as much as possible.
I've been dealing with this for as long as I can remember. 😭 I'll avoid phone calls as much as possible. Show More
I do have phone anxiety
Sometimes I get phone anxiety
I don't have phone anxiety
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Add Opinion 10 18

Do you think smart watches should be allowed on the job?

At my job for instance, cell phones are not supposed to be out while on the floor for safety reasons and also well because you getting paid to work not be on your phone. But now people just using smart watches, and I keep...
At my job for instance, cell phones are not supposed to be out while on the floor for safety reasons and also well because you getting paid to work not be on your phone. But now people Show More
Yes they should be allowed
No they should be banned on the job
Depends on the job
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Add Opinion 5 20

When you hear or read the word 'bomb' what type of bomb do you think of first?

Would be interesting to see here's a list of bomb types:
Would be interesting to see here's a list of bomb types: Show More
The round black bomb with a fuse depicted often in cartoons and such
Land Mine
Car Bomb
Other (what type of bomb do you think of?)
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Add Opinion 5 4