9 Reasons Why The Island of Hvar Sucks!

After spending three weeks in Croatia's Hvar in the middle of summer, I can confidently advise against going there.

9 Reasons Why The Island of Hvar Sucks!

This is why:

1. Too many British.

If there is a nationality that knows how to ruin vacation spots, it is the British.

It doesn't help that wherever you find Brits, you're probably going to run into some pesky Aussies too.

In Hvar, around 40% of the night crowd was British.

The girls seemed slightly better than the Americans, but that would be like saying Burger King is better than McDonald's.

2. There are hardly any girls from Eastern Europe.

Most of the girls are from Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Canada, USA (if you can believe it), Spain and France.

I went to Hvar specifically for Eastern European women, so as you can see I made a big mistake.

In three weeks I met a Polish girl and three Hungarian girls. Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians or Russians are not allowed.

3. Croatian girls have a strong shield against foreigners in Hvar.

They think that all tourists are drunken fools who just want to stick their penis in anything.

It is especially difficult to find Croatian girls who live in Hvar during the summer.

They don't want to be branded as the girl who sleeps with tourists in front of all her Croatian friends.

The Croatian guys who work on the island seem to lock up all the girls from the start, leaving the tourists with nothing but Anglo girls in flip flops.

4. It's a tourist trap.

I'm 99% sure that the only two clubs on the island, Carpe Diem Beach and Veneranda, are diluting their vodka with water.

Many travelers I spoke with also suspect that it is being diluted.

Even when you don't get ripped off, be prepared to pay twice as much compared to mainland Croatia.

5. The owners treat them like little children.

Any noise.

No guests.

No dwarfs.

The elderly want the benefits of tourism (money) without suffering the slightest inconvenience.

If you're walking with a girl at 5 a.m. and you make a bit of noise, an older person will come out of a wall to tell you to shut up.

I had to sneak the girls in and tell them to shut up, only to get caught anyway.

My Russian friend said that this is how things were in Soviet times.

6. There are no gifts.

Even if you go to Vegas, it will be easy to get a 4 or a 5.

She won't put up a fight.

In Hvar, there were no gifts.

Even a 5 had to play with everything she had, where success was far from guaranteed.

The two biggest problems were cock blocking and logistics.

It was also the case where math was important: if you're with one guy but working with three girls, enjoy jerking off with your hand later.

The only city in Europe where I had to work harder than Hvar was Riga.

Even in Denmark I got much better results for my effort.

7. You are lost in a sea of ​​guys.

The ratio at night wasn't really that bad, about 1 girl to 1 or 2 guys, but these guys are so aggressive it really feels like a 1 to 4 ratio.

Guys all over the world approach girls more a dozen times a day while stuck in ADD hyper party mode.

It was very difficult to get and keep a girl's attention.

For example, a good place to spend the day is Hula Hula Beach Club.

Many times I had girls dig me, telling me to contact them later to hang out, but nothing worked.

Why would the girl care about me when by the time I get in touch with her, five other guys will be beating her up? Hvar is the only place where I had to protect the girls.

I started giving them bad advice to keep them away from the good places while insisting that they meet up earlier.

I had no choice.

8. You need luck and aggressiveness, not gambling.

The best way to describe the game here is musical chairs.

Many nights I would see a guy working with a girl for a while only for her to make out with another guy later.

You have to approach her at the exact moment that she is thinking about sleeping with her or else you won't get anywhere.

Girls scour large numbers of guys every day with no obvious selection process.

The best thing you can do is be aggressive and scale quickly.

If she doesn't like it, move on to the next girl.

9. Night life is weak.

Before 2 a.m. you have a bunch of seedy bars and then after 2 a.m. m., you can only choose between two clubs that overcharge you and give you fake alcohol.

If you don't have a solid prospect at 2am, you're out of luck because both clubs will be filled with mostly Anglo girls.

Hvar was a frustrating experience.

I had a couple of kills in the end (including a virgin) that kept the trip from being a total flop, but I would never go back.

I advise you to do the same.

9 Reasons Why The Island of Hvar Sucks!
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