Why is it sometimes you feel like you need a vacation from after taking a vacation?

This is common when people focus on their to-do list rather than focus on the purpose of the vacation. Let's say a couple decides to take a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Europe. They set an itinerary of all the places they wish to see. They run around, snapping pictures of themselves in front of all these locations. Haven't they ever heard of Photoshop? You can create photos of yourselves in front of anything you wish.
The ideal vacation isn't based on location but on what vacation means to you. Start by identifying the underlying purpose of a vacation, and list all the aspects that would feed this purpose. Next, list locations that would meet all the essential qualities and most of the added bonuses. From this list, choose a location. Plan the trip based on your primary purpose, not doing things just to check them off a list. If one chooses to visit Europe, choose a focus. It could be to explore a certain type of architecture, or the food savored by the locals rather than the tourists, or following your ancestors' lives, or tracking a key aspect of history. When you have a purpose, you'll come home filled with knowledge and connection... something you can't achieve by running around in the quest of seeing how many locations you can snap your picture in front of.
Coming back from a whirlwind sight-seeing vacation that didn't include much relaxation time.
I always planned vacations so that I would have at least a couple days to relax and decompress at home before having to return to work. It sucks to come back all jet lagged and have to go to work the next day.
You're on a wrong vacation.
You rushed travelling when you actually needed a break from everything.
Travelling is NOT a real break, it's something very engaging and demands your energy.
Other reasons :
You didn't liked the place, many things didn't met your expectations. You visited wrong/boring places and only spent a little time on worthy places.
People you travel with are annoying, don't vibe and are incompatible.
When I vacation alone, this is not the case. When I am by myself, I control the pace of my vacation.
When I vacation with family, my interests get swept aside because basically my mom and aunt take control of everything and when the rest of us put our vote in they get all pissy.
When I vacation with friends, they are not as fit as me so I have to slow down for them a lot. They are very indecisive and getting them to make a decision on anything takes so long that the fun is gone. Yet when I make a decision it always seems to be the wrong one.
People always make these dumb plans and schedules for themselves to follow when they go on vacation, hurrying so much because "I have to go here, here, and here this day, tomorrow we're going here and doing this and this. We have to hurry and be here at this time, hurry hurry hurry, go go go, bunch of fucking bullshit. They should try just relaxing and not following a dumb schedule.
👆 this
Yes, I actually have had that happen. Twice, with two different girlfriends, who were so "draining" that I regretted taking them. And I mean draining in the emotional sense where it wasn't fun being with them.
Sometimes people go into a frenzy trying to pack in maximum adventures on a vacation instead of relaxing and enjoying a slower pace.
I used to feel like this whean my kids were little. Ittook a lot of energy the chase them around all the time.
It can happen if you try to cram too much into it or go somewhere that can be exasperating, like Disneyland.
What's a good question, but I know I've said it more than once
Because you run around everywhere on vacation instead of relax.
It kinda depends how your vacation went. If it was bad or a hastle and things went bad you didn't really have a vacation.
Because you’re on the road day and night and you’re so exhausted from running around so much that you actually do need a vacation from your vacation
Probably because you were too rushed. I always try to end a vacation with a few lazy days at home.
Because our vacations aren't long enough, and I'm addicted to travel
Vacations can be exhausting. If I ski or hike for a week, I'm pretty done by the time I get back.
Because your vacation wasn't long enough.
Or because you didn't relax enough.
All the preparation and travel for getting there and back.
I think that it typically stems from the stress of traveling. That or possibly kids.
Vacations can be tiring too. Lots of activities.
Traveling is tiresome and some people get homesick
Because you didn't find enough time to relax.
Cause you need to chance up what you do.
years and I love your vacation picture.
Shit, I'm looking forward to my next vacation!
depends what you do on the vacation
Visiting family.
I hate travel so yes
You are used to it
That's the way it is
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