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How many of you no longer trust traveling by commercial airlines?

My uncle is a commercial airline pilot and to say I've gone through an emotional rollercoaster is an understatement. I will say, I've never really worried/thought about his safety until the night of the tragedy. When my mom called and said he was safe in NYC, I was so thankful, then felt guilty for my happiness, because other's didn't get that good news I received. I have a fear of flying and will probably never lose it! I remember asking my uncle when I was little, "don't you ever worry or get scared"? His answer was, "Becky, if it wasn't safe, I wouldn't do it"! I just hope you don't lose your faith traveling commercially. Just my thoughts.

13 d
Isn't it funny how people come on MY question to argue politics, when it wasn't even a political question, then run and hide when they get challenged.
How many of you no longer trust traveling by commercial airlines?
Post Opinion