Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

1. Being a very mediocre President with very lackluster leadership skills.
Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

2. Brainless economics

Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

Reality= Worst economic record in 80 years.

3. Half-Baked social programs that won't work and America can't afford
Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

4. Off the cuff racist remarks

5. Non-stop pandering to the entitlement constituency (aka SJW half-wits) that helped elect his useless, whitey hating ass twice.
Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

6. Totally failed to reform immigration laws
Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

7. Spending all his political capital (and then some) on a failed stimulus that didn't stimulate jack sh*t.
Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

8. Financial reform that just didn't reform
Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

9. Totally ignoring the resurgence of a Russian dictatorship until it was way too late.
Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

10. Pulled out of Iraq prematurely and is all but totally ineffective in dealing with the ISIS/ISIL a**holes.
Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

............. I also blame Obama for global warming and the rise of the cucks :(
Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency

Since neither was a problem till this jackhole got in office!

Looking Back: The "Brilliance" Of The Obama Presidency
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