Wales Pedophile Caught Via "The Hunted One" Group

A 92 year old man who accused of sexual grooming of children under the age of 13 in Whales the other day.

It was documented he asked for explicitly sexual content from 11 and 12 year old girls on the internet chatrooms.

Wales Pedophile Caught Via "The Hunted One" Group

A pedophile hunting group called The Hunted One set up two accounts - one of a 11 year old girl and one of a 12 year old girl.

Ivor Gifford (92) contacted both girls during different time spans, asked them for 'naughty pictures' even though he was reminded very often of how young the girls were, sent them naked pictures of himself and ultimately asked them (separately) to meet up.

Wales Pedophile Caught Via "The Hunted One" Group

Once the meet up occurred, he was confronted with the group and arrested.

Kids - be careful online! Don't trust anyone!

Don't trust pictures - "catfishing" occurs every day and you're not the exception - so use your brain first and everything else second!

Wales Pedophile Caught Via "The Hunted One" Group
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