- +1 y
The media reports, you dumb fuck.
This is how it works. I have no idea why Americans have a hard time with this.
White House officials write out press releases. The White House letterhead is at the centre, top. The date is the first line. Then the press release states, in the body of the press release, what that press release is all about.
White House news reporters can follow up with questions during press conferences.
For example: "You said Trump's signature was going to be on the bottom of every stimulus cheque. We have reports not all such cheques have Trump's signature. What's up with this?"
Then there are people like you who just say it's the media lying.
The United States used to be a pretty great country. Used to be. The IQ of the average American has dropped significantly over time, it seems. Must be something in the water.02 Reply
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Trump held up the stimulus checks because he wanted to sign them as a promotional tool. This was true when it was reported in the media. He subsequently received legal advice that he is not authorised to sign the checks, so he did not do that. Instead, he added a self-congratulatory politically charged letter with a big Trump signature on it and had his name added to the memo field of the check, which may still be a crime: https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2020/04/29/three-prominent-lawyers-say-president-name-shouldn-stimulus-checks/odJelHzqTaAHW5NpRr2B0O/story.html
03 Reply- +1 y
What crime did Trump commit? The crime of making sure people gotta stimulus check? Yeah right, violation of your intellect, which is prob non existent.
The fact is, if it were illegal to put his name somewhere on the checks, he wouldn’t do that. He is surrounded by lawyers and knowledgeable people in whatever field is relevant.
But a better question would be, why does any of it bother you, even if you’re right , which you aren’t? - +1 y
@Girther10 Calm down. It doesn't bother me, I'm answering a question asked in a public forum. It's not my opinion that Trump committed a crime, it's "three prominent lawyers" (Ralph Nader, a progressive icon; Louis Fisher, a constitutional scholar who served both parties for four decades with the Library of Congress and who now is with the College of William & Mary; and Bruce Fein, an attorney who worked in Ronald Reagan’s Justice Department and for congressional Republicans) and the answer is in the link that you didn't read. They believe that he is in criminal breach of the Hatch Act for improper use of government employees and property to promote his reelection campaign.
- +1 y
@Girther10 Yes, Trump is surrounded by experts. He is known to ignore their advice. Where have you been?
720 opinions shared on Trending & News topic. Mine came in as a letter, it won’t be on the check.
Burned the letter.44 Reply- +1 y
Burned it? He literally gave you money 😂
- +1 y
I knoOOooow. Why'd you burn the letter? The purpose of the letter was for something good and you burned it like it was something bad. That's what I was getting at.
- +1 y
Obviously its president Sharply his signature is always upside down lol
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
1.5K opinions shared on Trending & News topic. Bottom left, "President Donald J. Trump". He probably wanted to push for his actual signature but that is probably more down to his incompetence than anything else.
Here is a previous one for reference:02 Reply- Asker+1 y
This isn't about Trump. It is how the media intentionally distorts things.
- +1 y
It is exactly about Trump. He thinks that having his name attached to free money handed out to voters will make them like him more. He has even complained about Bernie being a socialist and people only liking him because he gives them free stuff, because that is how he thinks and what he would do to make people like him.
I have the same one. Signed by Vona Robinson. I don't know why the media did that. Marketwatch and TheStreet are trustworthy sources. Maybe Trump changed his mind? What matters is that we got our checks. I don't care if it's signed by Trump or Pelosi or anyone else. It makes no difference. It's the same money.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
I got the check and use it to pay my taxes on my landscaping business. It mostly cover all. I paid just $200 came out of my pocket. The only thing I can't skip is my county tax.
Keep sending please lol it just goes back. Free taxes.
The reason no signature because many criminals may re use it for their advantage or sell his signature could be worth more in the future. I don't know and IDC lol at longest my taxes are paid we good.00 Reply - +1 y
Why does the media lie about so MANY things, especially when it comes to Trump? Small wonder Trump calls them "Fake News"! The media is pretty much useless when it comes to telling us the truth!
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
His literal signature wasn't added, but the text marked in red below was added. This line, which normally wouldn't be there is on your check too.
Why are you upset at the press for getting a minor detail wrong, but not upset about trump's 18,000 lies?
10 Reply - +1 y
They didn't. Literally the first sentence says "according to two officials" if you read the article. The media told the truth. Two officials did indeed say that.
00 Reply - +1 y
But how would anyone recognise it was his signature. A "X" just looks like any other x
12 Reply- +1 y
Just because that’s how you sign your name, with a non descript “x”- doesn’t mean anyone else does that. Other more civilized people have an actual signature. Trump has a very unique, well known signature. With many people It is used as an extra security feature in most places. You should try to get out more.
- +1 y
I'm so jealous you got your check.. Lol.. I already spent mine.. I'm seriously contemplating and wishing I could.. Run away with it.. To feel better..
01 Reply- Asker+1 y
How did you spend it?
- +1 y
Trump is sending people letters with his name on them
that is what my cousin got in the mail today. . Now I didn't
get one but my check came direct deposit on May 13 202000 Reply - +1 y
his signature is hard to read. his names on it
probably more difficult to get done than we think... so they opted for easy and legible.00 Reply - +1 y
I am sure he doesn't want his signature being missed or confusing so he opted to just type it out. Smart move.
00 Reply The big question is: what’s your point? Why does any of that matter to me, even if it were true?
00 Reply- +1 y
Haha! You got a stimulus check?
Communist!!!00 Reply - +1 y
It's because you voted for Hillary. Trump keeps tabs on all of us. Do not piss him off.
00 Reply that was trump's statement, the media just reported what he said.
20 Reply- +1 y
He signed the bill that authorized sending the checks. And his name is on them on the lower left, but the signature on Treasury disbursements is, by practice, from a non-appointed civil servant.
00 Reply - +1 y
"why did the media lie about that" First question before I answer further: Are you retarded?
10 Reply - +1 y
Did you really think that Trump is gonna sit there and sign millions of checks?
00 Reply - +1 y
What difference does it make? You got the check with that Satanic tranny the Statue of Liberty on it.
016 Reply- +1 y
@Girther10 Verse 9:11 of the bible says Apollo or Apollyon is the AntiChrist. Do a google image search for Apollo. See him with the spiked head and torch? The Statue of Liberty is a female Lucifer and a tranny the proof is there if you actually research it instead of dismissing something you know nothing about.
- +1 y
@Girther10 actually search this Statue of liberty apollyon
- +1 y
@Girther10 Search that last one and the image comes up of what you need to see.
- +1 y
@Girther10 I cannot post links at my level but remove the spaces and go to this here is a pic side by side ht tps://www. pint erest. es/pin/597149231814109368/
- +1 y
@Girther10 Why is it important? Because our entire reality is a big lie. If they would make a Satanic tranny the Statue of Liberty that everybody loves what else would they lie about? And trust me they are lying about a whole lot of things. It is easy to say well this stuff is not on TV so it is not real but of course it isn't on TV they want to keep the lies going. Anything I say is 100% truth with evidence to back it up. It doesn't matter if you are relgious or not. You came at me like I was wrong about this so I prove that I am not and your reply is ok so what if it is true why is it important? That is what everyone says when they can't debunk something. It does affect your life though because all the dots connect.
- +1 y
@Girther10 Roll your eyes all you want pal but if you google search Statue of Liberty Apollyon you will see that one is true. I got plenty more things if you want to learn just ask. Years ago I was stuck in my belief system same as you and I reacted just like you did. Of course you don't wanna come to terms with everything you know being a lie but it is a lie and we were all programmed with BS and we need to break that programming to see the truth. Jesus Christ look at the world right now do you really think this is about a virus or is it about them controlling us? None of what is happening right now is an accident and it all ties in. It is all about Freemasonry all of them working together against us. All politicians and celebrities working for their masters and now they want us to live in a world where we are 6 feet apart wearing a mask and this is gonna continue until we all push back against it.
- +1 y
@fatcat2021- you keep assuming I’m going to see some relevance to your satanic tranny. Do you know where the statue came from? Or who gave it to us? Or why? You may have a relevant message but you fuck it up with ridiculous insinuations and petty characterizations, in short you’re full of shit👌🏻
You really thought trump would sign every check? Lol gullible
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)+1 y
His name, not signature. Its next to the statue of liberty. The Media did not lie.
00 Reply They lie about practically everything, what's one more drop in the bucket?
00 ReplyWhen are we getting the new funds? Isn’t there another bill going to pass?
00 Reply- +1 y
They lie about everything else. Why should this be different?
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Maybe you scratched it out?
Trumps a fan of "sharpies", after all
#hurricanes, #nukehurricanes
DUMBASS00 Reply They didn’t lie, his signature was on my check
10 Reply656 opinions shared on Trending & News topic. Is this a one time payment or monthly?
01 Reply839 opinions shared on Trending & News topic. I didn't get crap yet I'm pissed
01 Reply- +1 y
me either, but I can answer his question, the media has lied everyday since Trump has been in office.
Lol the media lied and your surprised?
00 Reply- +1 y
Lucky you , not here yet
00 Reply - +1 y
I spent mine on blow and hookers.
06 Reply- +1 y
You have to pay for it otherwise you get none
- +1 y
@AlongCameCindy dude wtf? What’s your problem?
- +1 y
- +1 y
You do it to me all the time bro
- +1 y
@AlongCameCindy you have issues buddy. I didn’t accept your follow request so you could stalk me.
- +1 y
See this is why you can’t hold on to a man.
- +1 y
His signature was on mine
00 Reply At least you got a stimulus check.
00 ReplyBecause it’s the fucking media.
00 Reply- +1 y
I just pray we get another check. Life is rough
00 Reply - +1 y
trump forever :p
00 Reply
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