John Cena gets cancelled by China and burns his bridges on both ends. What do you think about this?

John Cena is a former WWE wrestler and wanna-be movie star trying to follow in the footsteps of Dwayne Johnson (and Dave Batista), but has failed to be in one major movie. In the WWE, Cena's character was basically an All-American, wannabe Marine. Good Guy.

Cena is supposed to be in The Fast and the Furious 9 (yeah, they're up to NINE of these stupid movies!) and The Suicide Squad this year. He was doing press and China (and has been sucking up to them for a LONG TIME) and referred to Taiwan as a country.

Taiwan 100% IS a full-fledged country, and a fine one at that, but China has been trying to invade it and absorb it into the mainland for a long time, now. China (and only China) considers Taiwan to be "a section of China," so referring to Taiwan as a country offended China. Or possibly fake-offended China and they're possibly just doing this to troll and get a "major" US celebrity to grovel to them and look powerful.

Cena publicly apologized to the Chinese Communist Party for speaking the fact of Taiwan being a country, while throwing Taiwan, and by proxy, the United States and other nations under the bus. Cena has been sucking up to China for a long-time now, as he's even learned Mandarin. So Cena not only apologized, but did so in Mandarin, making it especially pathetic and spineless. Cena's whole career was built on being an American role model, so this is seen as being traitorous and spineless to his whole persona and all the fans he's built up over the years.

China loathes the US, and pretty much, the rest of the world as well, and wants to see the US fall. So Cena's "apology" literally only placates the Chinese Communist Party (and studios financially owned by them).

Here's the funny thing: China doesn't care about the apology. They're already planning to not show Fast 9, or even The Suicide Squad. So Cena burned bridges at both ends now, and has pissed off everyone.
TL;DR: Cena grovels to China at the expense of the rest of the world, all for nothing.
TL;DR: Cena grovels to China at the expense of the rest of the world, all for nothing.
John Cena got what was coming to him for sucking up to China and betraying his home country and the rest of the West.
John Cena didn't deserve to be "cancelled" by China.
I don't care.
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John Cena gets cancelled by China and burns his bridges on both ends. What do you think about this?
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