Do you think Donald Trump's strategy on how to defeat Russia is a good one?

General Clown 🤡
General Clown 🤡
Over the weekend, the former President provided a glimpse into how he may have handled on the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

According to audio obtained by The Washington Post, Trump told a group of Republican donors in New Orleans that the United States should paint Chinese flags on its F-22 planes and then use those planes to bomb Russia.

"And then we say, 'China did it, we didn't do it, China did it,' and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch," Trump concluded.

I do. This is genius.
No. I feel this strategy is poor.
Maybe this is a joke? I honestly can't tell with Trump.
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Do you think Donald Trump's strategy on how to defeat Russia is a good one?
Post Opinion